Wednesday, December 29, 2004

Well for me another Christmas has come and gone and I enjoyed it I must say. I did get Christmas eve off and even though I went too work 6 pm on Christmas day it did not damped my spirits any because I did get to spend the day with my family. Although getting up 6;30 in the morning was not really the crowning point of the day let me tell you, especially when it was pushing close to the same time the next day before I crawled back in bed again. My wife and son enjoyed their gifts and to me that was the best present of all, we wasted a lot of money on our son we got him a Nintendo DS and he never put the thing down yet so we could have just stopped at that one gift and he would have been happy.

I was shocked to see my gifts though I must say. I new I was getting a PS2 because I asked for it so I could get my mitts on NASCAR 2005 and metal gear solid 3. I got a new surround sound system; I now wonder how I could have possibly watched a movie without it before. I had received the band of brothers DVD collection and the ear assault that came out of my speakers was pure ambrosia to my ear canals I had a grin on my face all day. If you don’t have a surround sound system save up and get one just as good as being in a movie theater seriously.

The other big gift was a nice watch that I will need a PHD in geek to understand the manual. One thing bothers me about it, well besides the price I almost had a stroke when I found out how much it was. How could an expensive watch not have a light on it for using it in the dark? Even though it has a lot of bells and whistles no light? Come on! It is solar powered though and it has a back up battery and when it is not in light it goes into power saving mode, so when you bring it into light it displays the time and the analog seconds hand races around the faces until it catches up with the correct time tres cool in my mind. Anyway got to go talk to you all later have happy holidays every body!

Saturday, December 18, 2004

This Friday night, Saturday in reality and I just got home from work and I am relaxing and sipping on rum and coke or a couple all depends. Just taking an edge off a hectic week, one more day to go. Listening to over the hills and far away through my head phones anyone want to guess who it is by? I for some reason cannot get the guitar riff out of my mind I think I will have to break down and look up the tabs and learn how to play the damn thing. Soon it will be the end of another year how depressing knowing that we are one step closer to the end of our existence. I am reading a book the last couple of weeks when the whim hits me about ghosts. Is it real or not, fact or fiction? I believe there is something after this life as we know it. To come in the world a drooling and cooing creature and to check out in the same state with the injustice of an orderly changing you well damn there got to be a consolation prize for that. Don’t you think? If not that is a show stopping depressing moment right there! However to get off that sour topic I am glad the holidays are coming up I am excited to see our son’s face on Christmas morning. I know both him and my wife will be happy, all I want for Christmas is to see a smile on their faces. I got the feeling I will be working both Christmas eve and Christmas night I hope I will be working 6 to 3 on that one so I can spend Christmas day with my family. Anyway got to go talk to you all later.

Friday, December 10, 2004

Well right now it is 3:50 at night and I am sitting in front of the old computer screen soaking up some UV rays and wondering what I am going to do to get to sleep tomorrow. Right now I am using a crutch ( Jack Daniels) to get to get some sleep tonight or today whatever the hell it is. This new shift is killing the sleeping habits let me tell you. It get home 3:30am and brush my teeth and head to bed because there is nothing on, everyone else is in bed and what the hell else is there to do. So I lie there tossing and turning until 6:30 or so when my wife rises to go to work and I fall in a slumber until12 and rinse repeat. All I can say is tick tock my man until I freak the fuck out at work and rip a royal strip out of some one at work and get sent to the principle’s office. That is coming sooner than I think. One good thing is the lack of pressure but the lack of sleep is sleep is getting to my supervisor as well so I am not the only one. Anyway talk to you all later got to go I am getting buzzed, insert lopsided grin here. VICTORY IS MINE!

Saturday, December 04, 2004

Got myself a three day weekend which is a welcome relief, this is the first time I actually got an extra day off since last Easter when I went to NFLD. So I am looking forward to relaxing and not having some one ask me a question every 2 or 3 minutes and not hearing my name called out with a furious snapping of the fingers to follow. This weekend I get to spend some quality time with my family as I recharge my batteries and decompress. I think we may be going to a Christmas party tonight which should be fun if we can get somebody to watch our son for a few hours if not we will have fun relaxing at home either way it will be all good. I cannot believe it is almost time for the holidays already and true to form I have not done any shopping I wonder why I always procrastinate shopping for the last minute? Probably because I despise the crowds at the mall during this time of year, there is nothing worse than almost getting run over by a senior citizen making a bee line for the lowest price. Depressing actually when you think of the state of affairs that one single holiday will bring us too. Normal people are turned into savage shoppers invading local stores like Genghis khan invading China. Anyway I got to go talk to you all later have a good one everybody.

Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Today is my Monday hope this week goes as well as the others have. I am working a new shift lately I work from six in the evening until three at night, I do not mind it in the least because I find a different breed of people populate the floor during this time span. The people who work the night shift seemed to be more relaxed than the whiners that work during the day. Other than that everything is going smoothly in my world I have been relaxing on my days off and hanging out with my family. I do not know what we are going to do on Sundays now that the racing season is over for this year. Back to watching movies I guess. Speaking of movies I just recently seen the day after tomorrow and the new exorcist movie. I liked both of them a lot especially the exorcist towards the end good special effects. By the way did anybody out there know there was such thing as tree kangaroos? I found out there was while watching the discovery channel last week as well as a show about man and a flock of birds I think they were fishers. The man had trained the birds to dive under water and catch fish for him and bring them back to him, is that cool or what? Got to go and get my act together before I head to work talk to you all later.

Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Another new week has begun and day one is now under my belt and so far so good. Last week was not too bad either to tell you the truth. I finished reading my book KOKO and I must say it kept me entertained to the end. Now I have started on another one about biker gangs which I find riveting. Things are going well in my world I thing we may have our house that we want but I don’t want to jinx it until everything is finalized. Ever notice all the ads in the media seem to be making you thing everyone wants to be a rapper or a hip hop character? Just wondering I have to go I just got home from work talk to you all later have a good one everybody.


Thursday, October 28, 2004

Soon it will be the weekend and thank god, we have a new application we have to use on our current contract and people are freaking the fuck out for some unknown reason. It is just a bunch of tabs for Christ sakes and it is a hundred times easier to use than any of the others we have had to use in the past.

Soon it will be Halloween and I will have to work so no big deal to me but I guess as you get older some of the mystic has rubbed of most of the holidays anyway. Except Christmas I think that one I enjoy.

I think we may have a winner in our house hunt expedition but time will tell if I just winged him or did I really bring him down. Seriously it is a nice old home with a Victorian build or décor to it or whatever the hell the real terminology is, and to think the whole time I was just calling these types of house OLD gasp the humanity! Anyway I have to go I just got home from work and I mind is a bit muddled so I got to head to work talk to you all later have a good one everybody!

Take some time out of your busy day to remember the poor unfortunate balloon spiders that are being discriminated against even as we speak, and if you want to voice you opinion on the plight of these beloved creatures leave a comment at:

Super Steve

Thank you this has been a public service announcement.

Tuesday, October 19, 2004

I read this on the CNN web site this morning and I thought it was amusing………
An Oregon man discovered earlier this month that his year-old Toshiba Corporation flat-screen TV was emitting an international distress signal picked up by a satellite, leading a search and rescue operation to his apartment in Corvallis, Oregon, 70 miles south of Portland.
The signal from Chris van Rossmann's TV was routed by satellite to the Air Force Rescue Center at Langley Air Base in Virginia.
On October 2, the 20 year-old college student was visited at his apartment in the small university town by a contingent of local police, civil air patrol and search and rescue personnel.
"They'd never seen signal come that strong from a home appliance," said van Rossmann. "They were quite surprised. I think we all were."
Authorities had expected to find a boat or small plane with a malfunctioning transponder, the usual culprit in such incidents, emitting the 121.5 MHz frequency of the distress signal used internationally.
Van Rossmann said he was told to keep his TV off to avoid paying a $10,000 fine for "willingly broadcasting a false distress signal."Toshiba contacted Rossmann and offered to provide him with a replacement set for free, he said.

Monday, October 18, 2004

I cannot believe they voted against Sunday shopping in this province! Then again I cannot believe they had to vote on it in general. I do believe Nova Scotia is the only place where you cannot go to the mall on a Sunday. Talk about behind the times, I think the people who live here do not want to be dragged kicking and screaming into modern times I guess. Even in Newfoundland you can shop on Sundays and we did not have to vote on it.

Anyway I am reading another book called KOKO by Peter Straub anybody out there read that one before? I am reaching the halfway point and I enjoy it so far. Hope it is not a let down when I reach the end because there is nothing worse that investing your time reading a book that has a shitty ending. Anyway got to go talk to you all later have a good one.

Friday, October 08, 2004

I woke up this morning and low and behold both the internet and the cable TV was not working! What a bummer! Since then it has been coming on and off in sporadic bursts that are annoying to the tenth degree. So long story short I found my self bored and I tried to find something constructive to do but I to no avail I guess TV has robbed me of my imagination when it comes to amusing myself. Plus I have read every book in my home at least once so I did not bother down that avenue. So what did I do fired up some steel panthers!

Nothing like a war game to get the blood pumping in the morning and to get the brain kicked started! I am playing a mega campaign that came with my game I play as the German army in combat against Russia

. If you like strategy games then this is a good one to give a try. Anyway got to go and get ready to head to work talk to you all later.

Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Well this is going to be a quick note because I am in a hurry to get back to my book. Trifle bit geeky I know but I can’t put it down I am hooked for sure like a junkie I guess. The last couple of books in the gunslinger series have been good but this one is driving me nuts because Roland is almost at the dark tower and I am curious to see what happens.

Other than that everything is good, work is okay I guess slow as hell and makes for a boring shift but that will change soon enough. We are house hunting and what people are trying to pawn off on you for a home is appalling to say the least. I should be back on the weekend with something more interesting until then have a good one everybody, I got to get back to reading. Hile gunslinger!

Sunday, September 26, 2004

Well my first week on the new contract is over and it was a good one let me tell you, no stress what so ever. Which is really nice for a change of pace let me tell you, you can feel it as soon as you get off the elevator on our floor. I ended up with a new shift 2 to 12 at night with Sunday and Monday off. Not to shabby I guess I had the same days off before so I like them.
The other day I was on the internet when the power flicked off because of all the wind I guess and I noticed when the power came on my computer would not make a connection to the net. Step number one was a format and fresh install of windows which I was going to do anyway, plus I had a suspect in mind anyway. Regardless the new install the same problem but I had figured on as much, it turns out my network card went tits up. The kicker was it worked for 5 minutes the following day after the format and then would not work at all after uninstalling it and re-installing it. Anyway go to go talk to you all later I have a new book to read that I am itching to get at, the last book in the gunslinger series. Have a good weekend.

Wednesday, September 15, 2004

Ahh! Hump day this week is half over; it has been a great week so far the new training is like a breath of fresh air in my job mainly because no more trouble shooting. So it seems that my job is shaping up to be fun again which is nice to know, I start a new shift come Monday from 12:30 to 9:30 which is not to shabby all things considered. Not too late and not too early, that is a good thing to tell you the truth because I am not a morning person.

So here is the real reason for this post, I had watched a preview for a movie and had a nugget of an idea for a post and I promptly forgot a few minutes later because sometimes I have the attention span of a tick it seems. It was a movie about remote viewing, now I am not going to get into all the details about the movie itself but I had read a book about that particular subject and it made me think of it so much I had to go and pick up the book and have a look at the title for you., it was called Psychic Warrior by David Morehouse.

Phychic Warrior

It was a really interesting book to tell you the truth, this gent was a soldier at one point in time who got hit in the head during a live fire exercise. The round hit him in the head and the helmet stopped the bullet and knocked him out however. Then he was telling how he started to see things and to make a long story short he ended up working for the Star gate program which was being run by the CIA. Interesting hunh? Although I often wonder if this is really possible for someone to do, the idea or projecting your self to a different place in the world and indeed a different place in time for example because this gent mentions they could see things that had happened in the past for example makes it hard to get your head around. Indeed the science community has the theory that we use only 10% of our brain that leaves the question of what are we capable of doing with the rest of it? Who know I guess because I don’t think we are anywhere near close to finding out. All I know is that I will pick up the book again this weekend and re-read it again to refresh my self on the story again. One thing puzzles me about the subject, if this was really a project that the government of the US was experimenting with why did they let him write a book on the subject? Did they figure people who dismiss the man as a raving lunatic with illusions that are a figment of his imagination? Also if the project was so secret as the author claims I wonder if he is still alive or did he have an “accident”? Makes you think? Anyway that is my little spiel for today talk to you all later have a good one everybody!

Monday, September 13, 2004

It has been awhile since I have posted but I have been really busy at work and I really did not feel like sitting in front of my computer and writing something. Work has been really hateful with all the training going on it has been really busy. I am moving to a new contract though which I am happy about, it maybe less pay but who cares less stress is a good idea to me. Other than that everything is going good in my world, when not at work I have been burying my nose in a book because I get home to late to watch anything good on TV. I just finished the last book in two series and I wish they did not end there but that’s the way the cookie crumbles I guess. So this week I have an even different schedule I work 3:45 to 12:15 at night, could be worse I guess, anyway I got to go and get my act together before I head to work have a good one everybody.

Tuesday, August 31, 2004

Well tomorrow is hump day thank god, I am looking forward to the weekend to say the least. My wife is finally home from the rock she had been gone for a week and it was a boring and drab existence for me to say the least. Work has been going ok so I have nothing to bitch about except some of the customers are driving me nuts but what else is new. Going to keep this short talk to you all later when I have more interesting to talk about.

A true story and its source was the Australian Quarantine Inspection Service in Adelaide.
A bloke and his family were on holidays in the United States and went to Mexico for a week. An avid cactus fan, the man bought a one-metre high, rare and expensive cactus there. On arrival back home Australian Customs said it must be quarantined for 3 months.
He finally got his cactus home. Planted it in his backyard, and over time it grew to about 2 metres. One evening while watering his garden after a warm spring day, he gave the cactus a light spray. He was amazed to see the plant shiver all over, he gave it another spray and it shivered again.
He was puzzled so he rang the council who put him on to the state gardens people.
After a few transfers he got the state's foremost cactus expert who asked him many questions. How Tall is it? Has it flowered? etc.
Finally he asked the most disturbing question. "Is your family in the house?" The bloke answered yes. The cactus expert said get out of the house NOW, get on to the front nature strip and wait for me, I will be there in 20 minutes.
Fifteen minutes later, 2 fire trucks, 2 police cars and an ambulance came screaming around the corner. A fireman got out and asked "Are you the bloke with the cactus?" I am, he said.
A guy jumped out of the fire truck wearing what looked like a space suit, a breathing cylinder and mask attached to what looked like a scuba backpack with a large hose attached.
He headed for the backyard and turned a flame-thrower on the cactus spraying it up and down.
After a few minutes the flame-thrower man stopped, the cactus stood Smoking and spitting, half the fence was burnt and parts of the gardens were well and truly scorched. Just then the cactus expert appeared and laid a calming hand on the bloke's shoulder. "What the hell's going on?" he says.
"Let me show you" says the cactus man. He went over to the cactus and picked away a crusty bit, the cactus was almost entirely hollow and filled with tiger striped bird-eating tarantula spiders, each about the size of two hand spans.
The story was that this type of spider lays eggs in this type of cactus And they hatch and live in it as they grow to full size. When full size they release themselves.
The cactus just explodes and about 150 dinner-plate-sized hairy spiders are flung from it, dispersing everywhere. They had been ready to pop.
The aftermath was that the house and the adjoining houses had to be vacated and fumigated: police tape was put up outside the whole area and no one was allowed in for two weeks

Tuesday, August 17, 2004

It has been a busy week for me, I only had one day off this week because on Saturday they dropped the bomb on me that I would be training on Monday. So I have training at 3:40 to 12:15 at night makes for some long nights let me tell you. Plus I have to pick a new shift tomorrow which is going to be interesting to say the least. So other than that not much is new except training which I am not allowed to talk about.

I did however install windows XP service pack 2 on my machine on Saturday and did not encounter any problems I do like the changes they made to the firewall and how you can manage the add on for internet explorer for example. Other than that this weekend my birthday is making its appearance on Sunday another year has passed by way too quickly. I have not had a smoke in 8 months give or take, a fact of which I am extremely proud pf myself. Anyway got too go it is late and I have to go to bed talk to you all later have a good one everybody

Thursday, August 12, 2004

Did anybody out there notice the subtle change in the air once it starts to grow dark? Easy to tell our weather is going to start to turn cold in the next month or so, summers seem to pass by way too quickly when you have too consider how cold it usually is for most of the year. Not much going on in my life, even though there is a big up roar at work however. I heard enough people ranting and raving about it at work I am not even going to bother.
I am looking forward to the end of tonight though because it is my last 10 hour shift for this week, the 10 hours I don’t mind except the time frame in which I have to work getting off at 10:30 is a bit of a drag but I am not complaining to much I picked the shift after all. I am getting a lot of reading done at work which is all right I guess, I just finished a book called Fire and Ice which I enjoyed immensely. Next I will read a book called Blind Man’s Bluff it is about submariners and how the evolved into using them to spy on the soviets in the Barents Sea. The changes in technology are amazing to read about but the steely nerve of some of the captains who piloted the craft into these waters is astounding. Anyway I got too go and head to work talk to you all later have a good one everybody.

Saturday, August 07, 2004

Before I came to work I was watching a program on Discovery channel about tigers over in India. The name of the of the park they were talking about was called Sunderbans, people who live close by have to enter the park to fish and collect honey so they can eke out an existence. The villages in this area do not have any running water or electricity so the giant mangrove forest is their main source to gather food.

There is one big problem in this area and that the tigers that live there. They do not fear man and about 80 people a year are falling victim to these beasts. The scientist have been looking at the records and from the 1800’s to the 1900’s they figure that 350,000 people have been killed by these tigers. That is an amazing number when you think of it whole villages were wiped out by tigers. Then people starting killing tigers and they stopped hunting man at that point probably because the tigers started to fear man and learned to leave us alone. However because the Sunderbans are a giant mangrove forest they could not cull the tigers there and therefore they did learn from this experience. That is the theory anyway.

The tigers swim from one small island to another in their search for food and even attack fishermen in their boats and drag them into the forest. There is one area that is off limits to everybody but government officials. They patrol the area trying to keep people out because of the large amount of tigers in that area, which makes it for a highly dangerous area. The last time a bunch of fishermen snuck in there a tiger attacked their boat and killed three people before they escaped. So much for killing people for food hunh? Killing three in one fail swoop kind of rules that out of the equation doesn’t it?

So indeed these are the last animals that actively will hunt and kill humans. Scary when you stop and think of it, seems the best idea would be to stay out of the area and let them be. I know that is not going to happen man is going to encroach on their territory and the death toll will rise until it ends with people staying out of the area or they kill off the tigers or at least figure out a way of making them wary of men. Got too go and get too work talk to you all later have a good weekend everybody!

Wednesday, August 04, 2004

I was reading a story on CNN yesterday about a 17 year old young man who lured his 14 year old friend into a park and proceeded to kill him with a hammer. (I think I got the ages right I was looking for the story again but cannot find it) if memory serves me correct it happened in a London park. Now his parents are saying that he was acting out the game Manhunt in real life. Because in Manhunt you get style points for killing people and the more gruesome the better the score. Rock star games made man hunt and they are the ones who made the Grand theft auto series as well, which caught a lot of flak as well.

If you are 17 years old is it really time to blame a video game for you actions? Yes I remember being 17 and I know you would not be the pinnacle of maturity but if you don’t know right from wrong there is something seriously lacking in your education. Besides that strategy is getting a bit weak when ever somebody does something wrong they tend to point the finger else where, the dog ate my home work, rap music made me do it, it was in a movie, now video games made me do it, oh yeah lest not forget the old favorite Satan commanded me to do it.

I know they are some mentally deranged people out there and yeah they probably hear voices in their head but stop with the blame game. I think the real reason they go to the extreme of blaming music or games is to give politicians credence to the censorship laws. I have played video games since the days of the commodore vic 20 and I never had any adverse effects except missing some sleep from late night gaming. Anyway got too go and head to work talk to you all later have a good one everyone.

Friday, July 30, 2004

I expect today at work will be busy again because they will be starting up training again that they had cut short about two weeks ago give or take. So I expect there will be a lot of complaining today when I show up at work. You cannot please everybody though I know that much but at work it is a case of damned if you do or damned if you don’t.

Case in point we all thought we were going to be out of a job during the summer, people freaked out whined, complained etc. they came up with a training schedule to keep the trainers earning their paychecks and to keep us busy because people thought we were going to stay home and get paid to do nothing, believe me people complained quite vocally about that one. Then during our training we got the call to come back to work and people whined and cried again. When we got slammed with a large call volume in the last two weeks people freaked out yet again, called in sick, left and went home early. Now that is everything is slow again they are complaining it is boring but with the training getting ready to resume it won’t be let me tell you the tears will start again.

I am indifferent about all of this, I am just glad I have a job in general. No mercy for the masses is found here let me tell you, if you don’t like it quit for gods sake or at least give it a break because a lot of us are sick of hearing it. Anyway my little rant for today is over I have to go and get ready to go too work talk to you all later have a good one everybody.

Wednesday, July 28, 2004

Well not much going on in my world lately, things have calmed down somewhat at work and it is nice after that really hectic week we had. So as far as work goes no complaints, as for my computer plenty. For some unknown reason two days ago internet explorer decided to give up and not work any which way shape or form, it also effected system restore for example so I cannot go back a couple of days before that which sucks. So too fix it I need to do a system format which is alright not that I am going to lose much because a have everything backed up anyway. Although this time around when I load everything back on and complete my windows updates I am going to use Norton Ghost to make my own recovery Cd’s to make it easier in the long run. Other than that I got too go and get ready too head too work talk to you all later have a good one everybody.

Tuesday, July 20, 2004

Back to the grind again today, two days off seem to go by in the blink of an eye. Then again the pace that society now moves is way too fast it would seem, I will soon blink and I will be in my fifties. Still I enjoyed my two days off mind you I did not do a whole lot but that is besides the point I did watch Cold Mountain and Timeline and enjoyed both of them which is a bonus. There was no f1 racing or NASCAR which was a bit of a drag but it is situation normal again this weekend. When I get too work I hope the volume of calls has subsided a bit because it was getting very hectic indeed. Speaking of work I got too go and get ready, talk to you all later have a good one everybody

Saturday, July 17, 2004

What ever channel you turn on right now to catch the news don’t bother I will save you the trouble. Martha Stewart was found guilty and got a token slap on the wrists, 5 months in jail and probation or house arrest I cannot remember because I could not believe it. If I had of done the same thing with out a big shot lawyer in would have been sent to prison and never seen the light of day again. Since we would not have passed go and got our $200 why do the rich and famous in this day of age still live above and beyond the law? Not that it matters because there is nothing we can do about it, anyway got too go and head to work talk to you all later have a good one everybody.

Wednesday, July 14, 2004

Let’s see on my weekend I formatted both of my hard drives and loaded windows XP on the biggest one and set the smaller one as a storage drive for some odds and ends I have and started anew. Then the fucking internet was down for almost all week end so I could not get any windows updates done until late Monday afternoon. So now I am done, since doing windows updates I have installed all the usual programs, Microsoft office, Winamp, AVG anti virus, Panda Anti virus software with included firewall, etc.

So with that done I fired up Pest Patrol corporate edition and updated it and began to search for spy ware. My jaw dropped it found 30 entries on my computer, once I deleted those I next tried Spy Sweeper and found yet another 7, next on the list was Spybot which proceeded to find 3 more, last was Ad-aware professional which found an additional one more.

What is wrong with that picture I wonder? Where does all this shit come from? Now I know when you are installing programs and application some of it piggy backs in on the software for example the evil bastard known as real player. Another big culprit are the file sharing programs everybody is so enamored with but other than that I really wonder how it gets on there. I wonder if any Spy ware is included in the windows updates that are downloaded and installed.

I can just imagine how much spy ware is out there on computers, I had a customer download Ad-aware the personal free addition and helped this person update it and do a scan, a staggering 500 plus entries were detected and this person was wondering why the computer was so slow?

I often think what really would happen if a bunch of people launched a class action law suit at the produces of spy ware? Would they settle out of court? I think they would if you could track them down. If the public was more aware if it was going to be dragged kicking and screaming into the lime light maybe we could curb this a bit.

That is my little rant for today, my two cents worth as it were. I have to get ready to stroll too work talk to you all later on, have a good one everybody!

Tuesday, July 06, 2004

Well it is back to the grind for me again, but oh well what do you do right? Man the time just seems too slip away get pass you before you know what is happening. I finally got my computer all straightened out, windows Xp is on the primary hard drive now, I am loathe to format the other hard drive yet because then I will lose everything until I get a new spindle of cd’s too back everything up with. Besides then I will have to reload windows again because the other hard drive is bigger.

I guess I will need to head too work a bit earlier than usual because we moved to a different floor; we are now on the third floor. So that means I have to set up yet another computer with all my short cuts, favorites etc. anyway speaking of work I got too go and get ready too go talk to you all later on have a good one everybody.

Friday, July 02, 2004

Let us all bow our head in a minute of silence because Super Steve has given up the almighty keyboard and has gone on to better things may god will it. Tip of the glass too you brother you are the one who inspired me to write here and I hope you return but if not I hope you are happy in your present path in this game of life we play.

Besides that it has been a long week, and I mean really long I do not feel like the energiser bunny in the least I feel like one of those shitty cheap batteries you get at a dollar store. Could be worse I would imagine some way shape or form, which is my general outlook on life to tell you the truth which I guess may not be a bad thing. I am really enjoying my job yet again because I had a good paid vacation for a bit and I feel recharged again which is kind of nice considering how bitter I was feeling towards my contract.

From about 8 or so until now which is around about 11 in the night I have been fucking around with this computer, I have been trying to use another hard drive to see if this fucking thing will boot with windows XP loaded. God damn jumpers! I will see them in my sleep I expect! Note to the next hardware makers; make the next generation of hardware smart enough not too have to fuck around with little white pieces of plastic! What a nightmare but it worked which is cool so a format is in the very near future let me tell you! Anyway I got too go talk to you all later have a good done everybody!

P.S ALL HAIL SUPPER STEVE! YO BOSUN!* (* may there be a road)

Saturday, June 26, 2004

Well I never got too post yet this week because I have been busy being back to work and all, which is nice albeit a temporary thing. Our company has gotten a new contract but I don’t know for how long or for how many people but I would like to get in on it all them same because it is something new. Other than that all is well in my life I have nothing too complain about at all. So I have too got I will be back in a day or two with a better post. Talk to you all later have a good one everybody.

Friday, June 18, 2004

I have come to a conclusion about day time TV, it sucks! Since I have been off work I have channel surfed in the day time too see if there is anything on and it has been in vain. Then again the night time schedule is not the best either mind you but at least there is something on discovery that I can watch. For example most of the morning is being taken up by talk shows all copying off each other, and let’s face it Jerry Springer is just the same old shit different pile.

One show I cannot understand is the Trading Spaces that comes on TLC what is up with that show I wonder? If somebody decorated my rooms like they do I would be screaming bloody murder. Here is my synopsis on the whole deal. They are artsy fartsy types that are insecure with their homosexuality so they feel the need to paint and decorate room in the gaudiest colours known to man. Then the owners put on a brave face and pretend too like it while the cameras are rolling, and if they do like it they must be as pretentious as the Trading Spaces team.

Anyway that is my little rant for today, except I notice that a lot of people who have blogs have given up on updating them at all very curious the novelty must have worn off I guess. Anyway got too go talk to you all later have a good one everybody.
I have come to a conclusion about day time TV, it sucks! Since I have been off work I have channel surfed in the day time too see if there is anything on and it has been in vain. Then again the night time schedule is not the best either mind you but at least there is something on discovery that I can watch. For example most of the morning is being taken up by talk shows all copying off each other, and let’s face it Jerry Springer is just the same old shit different pile.

One show I cannot understand is the Trading Spaces that comes on TLC what is up with that show I wonder? If somebody decorated my rooms like they do I would be screaming bloody murder. Here is my synopsis on the whole deal. They are artsy fartsy types that are insecure with their homosexuality so they feel the need to paint and decorate room in the gaudiest colours known to man. Then the owners put on a brave face and pretend too like it while the cameras are rolling, and if they do like it they must be as pretentious as the Trading Spaces team.

Anyway that is my little rant for today, except I notice that a lot of people who have blogs have given up on updating them at all very curious the novelty must have worn off I guess. Anyway got too go talk to you all later have a good one everybody.
I have come to a conclusion about day time TV, it sucks! Since I have been off work I have channel surfed in the day time too see if there is anything on and it has been in vain. Then again the night time schedule is not the best either mind you but at least there is something on discovery that I can watch. For example most of the morning is being taken up by talk shows all copying off each other, and let’s face it Jerry Springer is just the same old shit different pile.

One show I cannot understand is the Trading Spaces that comes on TLC what is up with that show I wonder? If somebody decorated my rooms like they do I would be screaming bloody murder. Here is my synopsis on the whole deal. They are artsy fartsy types that are insecure with their homosexuality so they feel the need to paint and decorate room in the gaudiest colours known to man. Then the owners put on a brave face and pretend too like it while the cameras are rolling, and if they do like it they must be as pretentious as the Trading Spaces team.

Anyway that is my little rant for today, except I notice that a lot of people who have blogs have given up on updating them at all very curious the novelty must have worn off I guess. Anyway got too go talk to you all later have a good one everybody.

Wednesday, June 16, 2004

Nothing new going on in my world, I am off all this week and find myself bored. The apartment is very clean and seeing how it is a nice day again today I will go for another walk. Other than that my life is drab and boring, I expect it will soon be filled with unemployment and stress how ever. Well at least the weather is starting to warm up so I can actually go outside during the day time which is nice considering it felt like it was fall weather last week.

Is it me or is there an awful lot of reality shows appearing this season? I think they are going to kill the sitcom. While some of the shows are good most suck and are just cloning themselves for a grab and the rating brass ring, which is lame in my mind but hey what do I know? I cannot stand American Idol for example but obviously a lot of people like it. I did watch the first shows of two new series, The Casino, and the Next Action Star or hero or something like that.

The Casino I think is mildly interesting because the two guys who have just bought the casino have no earthy idea about owning one in the first place. But I think they will make a go of it but it should prove to be entertaining all the same. Like the high roller they showed that picked up a girl down on the gambling floor and bought her to his suite only too find it was a guy, very funny indeed. Anyway I got too go and finish doing some house work so I can go for a stroll have a good one everybody talk to you all later.

Friday, June 11, 2004

Well today is Friday in the grand scheme of things, not that it really matters in my world. I had to attend training yesterday so now I am off until the 21st which is going to be very boring let me tell you. Before I started working at my present job I was Mr. Mom and now it seems I might have to slip back into the role. The problem being that it only takes a good solid hour to clean our apartment then there is really no other house work to do. There is only so much surfing the internet you can do as well, I like to read though so maybe I will start re-reading some of my books I guess. Now that the weather is finally starting to warm up I can go for walks down around the park to get rid of some of this winter fat I have.

I was looking at the Wired News web site as I am apt to do while drinking my morning coffee and I spotted this head line

Dogs Understand Human Language

Well no shit anybody who has a dog can tell you that. Although I must admit border collies are damn smart indeed. I used to have a one and they are definitely more intelligent that some human beings I have met. Although it is amazing as smart as they are, they still fall for the fake throw every time.

I am just betting in the not too distant future a re-location will be in order. Why do I bet this? Because if things don’t work out at the present company I work for the chances of me getting a job around here are not too good at all. I figure we may have to move too Alberta again maybe at least there I work there. Anyway I go too go and find something to do, talk to you all later have a good one everybody!

Tuesday, June 08, 2004

Well I am seriously pondering the thought of giving up on playing pc games and sticking to consoles only. Every time I buy a new Pc Gamer magazine and I see the minimal system requirements to play a new game I just wince. Is there a need to go out and buy a gig of ram to play a game, or is there a need to go out and drop $500 for a new video card to play all the latest and greatest games? Fuck that I am sick of it, besides it is not like they are just giving the games away they cost a fortune to begin with anyway.

Now let’s have a look and the Xbox or Play station 2, you drop $200 give or take for each system and there you go now you just have to buy some games. Yes they are expensive games as well but you could possibly down load play station games use a slide card to play burnt games on your machine for the price of buying a spindle of blank DVDs for example. While pc games are usually more open ended and tighter controls I think I am going to give up on them all the same. I mean seriously I am not living the lifestyles of the rich and famous that I can afford all new computer equipment. Anyway I got too go talk to you all later have a good one everybody.

Wednesday, June 02, 2004

Well I am trying out a new program here while I am writing this. In was listed in maximum pc magazine in a head to head comparison with Micro$oft office, it is a free program called open office. You can check it out at the link below.

Open Office

The program was developed by Sun Microsystems, mind you it does not have all the bells and whistles as office does but hey it is free right? That is mighty appealing when considering that office professional is around $500 or so.

Besides that everything is well in my world except I have to do some training at work which is a bit pointless in my mind but you have to play the game it seems. I just wondered who the hell pick seven o’clock in the morning as the start time. Man it sucks getting up at o’dark thirty and stumbling into work and trying to stay awake and look slightly interested in the person babbling mindlessly in the front of the class room. Other than that all is well anyway got too go talk to you all later have a good one everybody!

Points to ponder: anybody else out there think that Conan O’Brian is an annoying motherfucker with a fat head?

Points to ponder: The old guy from the six flags commercials is just plain fucking creepy!

Wednesday, May 26, 2004

I figured it was about time to do a post, the count down to extinction here at work is on and it should be interesting to see what is in store for us after Friday. Other than that all is good in my world. We were going to rent a house come July until my wife went and talked too the people who are getting ready too move out of there now. It seems they have mice, salamanders in the basement. Last year they went two days with no water because the water lines in the house froze up, it cost around $400 a month in oil to heat the place in the winter time, Dodged a bullet there let me tell you.

Last night I watched the movie Master And Commander and I must say I liked it indeed. Although I winced when I seen what the doctor was doing to his victims, like the boy who had his arm cut off because it was broken. Thank god I did not live in that time, so al in all I found it an entertaining movie indeed. Tonight I am going to watch The Last Samurai I think I heard that is very good so we shall see.

Hmm before I was writing this I see that according to the headlines at the globe and mail website an American soldier accused of war crimes flees to Canada. He better believe they are going to drag his ass kicking and screaming back across the border for sure. He really should have picked Mexico I think he could have hidden a lot better in my mind, although it is a dangerous place for a gringo. Anyway I go too go and head to work talk to you all later have a good one everybody.

Thursday, May 20, 2004

Well I got robbed let me tell you, it all started when I was reading some news on the net about the email google was going to be putting out called Gmail as it were. So I went and searched the site and submitted my name to try and get an account because it does have a gigabyte of storage after all. So after I signed up I stopped thinking about it and one day when I logged into my blog right on the sign in screen was the link to activate my Gmail account., because I am an active blogger user.

Some of my fellow co-workers did the same thing and got their account while others did not and kept bugging about how I got it so quickly but damned if I know. Anyway after using it for a couple of weeks I seen a link to send an invitation to two people to join Gmail, very cool since it is still in the beta phase. So naturally I sent one too my wife and another to another co-worker. Then today I was reading wired magazine and I was reading how people are trying desperately to get an invitation to gmail. Man I could have had a bit of fun with that but oh well them’s the breaks, check out the two links below. Have a good one everybody talk to you all later.

my left arm for a Gmail account

Gmail swap

Take some time and check out what people are offering for a gmail account it is very amusing let me tell you!

Sunday, May 16, 2004

Last night I heard the little fucker as I lay on the couch watching the NASCAR night race with my wife. I kept hearing an annoying buzzing sound so I happened to look up and there he was my old nemesis the house fly. He is an annoying foe that likes too buzz by your head just when you are watching something good on TV for example.

So I plotted a grand tactical strategy for my foe that would make general Patton weep with tears of appreciation, I went to the kitchen and got a dish cloth to kill the fucker. So I came into my living room and scanned the room with steely eyes looking for my foe ah there he was on the ceiling, I took a swipe and missed, DRAT! Eventually after a sparring session I got him on a wall with a nifty side snap just miss the lamp. I had a victory sip of Budweiser and looked behind the couch because that is where he landed of course.

There he was limping from under the sofa to under the heater and back making a circuit of it. I knew he was mortally wounded but I could not make the killing blow because of the angle my skeletal arms could not even make the transition in that small space. Then he went under the couch not too return. So where did he go? I have no idea he just up and disappeared. Maybe he went to the fly graveyard to die in honour, because I could not find the little bastard. Now I do not hold any particular malice towards common house flies but lest face it, anything that will crawl around in feces is pretty low on the evolutionary totem pole isn’t it? Plus they are annoying. I was a little bit sacred to go to bed though I must admit I could just picture this little bastard limping in the hall and crawling under the door and heading towards my side of the bed. Once there he would scale the side of my bed and crawl in my ear or mouth or something. Who knows *shudder* any way got too go talk to you all later.

Friday, May 14, 2004

Every day I arrive at work early, never fails I show up at the very least a half an hour early. The reason is I turn on my computer log into all the applications and other odd and ends the lock my computer and walk down to Tim Horton’s for a coffee. That is my ritual for the last little while the only time I move from this schedule is when my wife brings me too work and I grab a coffee before I enter the building.

When I return with my coffee do I sit at my desk and sip on my cup of java and read the news? No fucking likely. I try to avoid where I sit like it is a leprous being to say the least. It is because of the people who sit around me, when show up they start asking me questions before I sit down and do anything. What annoys the fuck out of me is that it is the same people everyday asking the same questions.

“I have this ( lady, man either or and it varies) and they have the sasser virus and I did all of our trouble shootings steps now what do I do?” every day I have to answer this! Not our problem OEM people! I got taken to school by a lady who sits near me yesterday for example, the person she was talking too had the sasser virus removed and their computer was taking 5 minutes at the least to load web pages. After she was off the call she asked what else she could have done after she had told me the steps she had taken first. I should have said nothing and said you did a good job and did everything you could. I said you could have got the person to scan for other viruses and repaired internet explorer, then told the person how too scan for spy ware. I checked and there is no spy ware on the computer she told me. I asked her how she scanned for it and she answered it was in add and remove programs in your control panel. No I told her you need to check with a 3rd party application like Ad-aware for example. But alas I was wrong, seems on her “previous” contract that is what they did too remove spy ware, in a tone that implied that I was a gibbering idiot who likes to play with coloured bits of yarn for example. Well I told her in a bit louder voice than normal because frankly this got on my last nerve and fucking pissed me off, I said “what the fuck do I know? I am only wandering around here taking up valuable space and oxygen. If you don’t like an answer I give you don’t ask!”

On that note I have to go and get ready to head too work, where I sometimes feel like I am the ring master at a retarded circus. Hope everybody else has a good day though, talk to you all later.

Wednesday, May 12, 2004

Soon I will be heading too work for another day in the trenches. Actually yesterday I got a lot of call from people who did not have the virus for a change which was refreshing to say the least. Each day I show up at work we are still swamped with calls, I keep thinking it all cannot be the Sasser worm calls but a lot of my fellow co-workers are telling me that is pretty much all they are doing. So they caught the person that created the virus, it was only a young fellow 19 years old from Germany as it were. Now my question is what is really going to come out of this? Is he really going to be in serious trouble? The media never tells us what happens to the person after the fact, like the person who got busted for the Blaster virus what happened to him? Maybe they all ended up working for the CIA, NSA, or even Microsoft for all we know, and it would not surprise me in the least.

I was reading wired news yesterday at work while on one of my breaks and found this interesting check it out if you have time,

Browser hijackers ruining lives

anyway I got too go and head too work talk too you all later have a good one everybody!

Friday, May 07, 2004

I was going too write a post earlier this week, in fact I had it partially written but used the good old delete key because I did not fancy what I had written. Well we are slammed with calls at work because of the SASSER virus. The sad thing is that most of our callers are the same people who had gotten the worm Blaster virus last summer and still not have learned their lesson about windows updates. What are they doing when the messages pops up and tell them windows updates are ready to be installed? They close it of course then whine because they have a virus.

Ghastly as it is a horde of them have no anti-virus software, or it is outdated. Norton, McAfee is sitting in their system tray and I ask if they have updated it, you need to update it? Is the answer I receive. Jesus wept let me tell you.

So this virus is driving everybody who is doing tech support fucking nuts, I can only shudder at the calls that the anti-virus vendors or people like Dell are getting. If somebody has the skill to write these nasty little virus that cause a major annoyance but no damage I implore you. Next time include the code to format these fucker’s hard drives to teach them a god damn lesson once and for all. Now that would be sweet would it not? I mean Best Buy is charging people a hundred bucks to remove the SASSER virus that is only a five minute job to be honest, talk about a money maker. So can you just imagine how much it would cost if their hard drives were erased?

Anyway I got too get ready to head too work talk to you all later have a good one everybody?

Thursday, April 29, 2004

Well finally it is sunny outside, how dreary the last couple of days have been with all the rain. I have been having a pretty good week though all the same, all things considered. I must be getting a touch of the cold that is going around because all of a sudden on Tuesday night my throat started to ache. Today it is not too bad since I popped some Advil last night before going to bed. So today I fell like a new me again.

Everyone at work are still in a either a twist about losing their job or are positive that we will get another contract. I have my own opinion that I will keep to myself for the time being but believe me it is not a positive one I have the mind set of I will believe it when I see it, and there is no sense in stressing over it because it will get you nothing and nowhere.

They had a party on Monday that I did not attend because it was my day off and I was not going down to work just for some free food, yes I know they were giving away prizes but I could not be bothered. Then that night I checked my email and one of the people email me and said I had one a prize so I laughed it off as a joke because I never win anything anyway so thought he was just screwing with me. Then low and behold my best friend emailed me and told me the same thing. Turns out I had won a patio set, not too shabby at all hunh?

Kind of ironic though seeing how I live in an apartment building with no patio and on a second floor to boot. People at work found that amusing when they heard that one, some people wanted too buy it off me and one offer was a hundred dollars. Hmmm lets see plastic dishes that came with it still had the price tags on them and they added up to almost a hundred dollars by themselves. So I did not fall for that, someone remarked that I could use the patio table as a table for my kitchen. I did not realize I look like a hill Billie so now they want me too turn my place into a redneck haven? In the end we decided too keep the set, one reason because like my wife said we are not going to live in an apartment forever and secondly because we never win anything so it would be cool to keep it. So there you go case closed. Anyway go to go and get ready to head too work talk to you all later have a good one everybody.

Friday, April 23, 2004

Hmmm, after yesterday I wonder how long it will be before I am collecting unemployment. Things look bleak let me tell you but I did not find it a big shock at all to say the least I suspected something like that could happen anyway, how ever a lot of people seemed surprised. At the very least I am hoping that I will get the summer off, my luck we will be fucked out of that but oh well what to do right? Anyway got too go and head to ”WORK” while I still can I guess, talk to you all later.

Wednesday, April 21, 2004

My weekends go by way too quick I find, not that I do a whole hell of a lot to be truthful but is the principle of the fact. Like Saturday night, we went to the laundry mat, not a fun way to spend a Saturday night but we had an over flow of dirty clothes because of our road trip last weekend so we were in desperate need of clean clothes. The good thing was the place was absolutely empty which enabled us to get done very quickly.

Then Sunday was race day of course, which my wife has me totally corrupted into watching NASCAR. If you can’t beat them join them right? She wants to go and see a race this summer if I can get the time off work and I think that would be a pretty cool experience to see one in real life. I can just imagine the roar of the engines and how loud it would be in the flesh. What can I say my life is boring right now, nothing to complain about in my personal life. Work is ok there is a lot of time between calls which makes for a boring day. But we can not have it all I guess because if it was busy I would be complaining about that I guess. Anyway go too go talk to you all later.

Tuesday, April 13, 2004

I am running on fumes now to be honest with you, I have just returned from “the rock” also known as Newfoundland. We left on Thursday night and crossed the gulf on the ferry for the night crossing. Thank god we had a cabin, and then we had the pleasure of a ten hour car ride. Talk about fun boys and girls, now tourist may enjoy the scenery but when you have seen it umpteen times well it gets old really quick.

We got to the other side of the island and got too relax and do some visiting with my wife’s family which was the whole reason for the trip in the first place. Then on Monday it was time for a repeat, ten hour drive and a six hour ferry ride (I forgot to mention how long it took) talk about fun right? Although I must admit it was a bit of a rough crossing last night there was a lot of ice and the ship brought up solid last night when it hit an ice pack so hard I had to grab the bunk to keep from falling out. As an added bonus the sip was rolling pretty hard, I guess it must have been windy out on the Atlantic. Mind you the sip rocking did not bother me but it made it hard to keep your balance let me tell you, besides the movement of the ship lulled me too sleep.

The highlight of the trip was spending some quality time with my wife and son, finally getting too meet my wife’s parents and a couple of the other family members I had not met yet. The best part of the trip is that I am home though let me tell you. I do not want to do that trip again any time soon. While I was down there I did not go and visit any of my family because, frankly I am sick of the bull shit that goes with them. You can pick your friends but not your family and too bad I say because sometimes I would like to be able too. But then again I am still the black sheep in my family so it is all good in my world.

I got a digital camera this weekend with a 128 meg memory card for it as well bought for me by my wife as an anniversary present, so either later on today of tomorrow or so I will put up a couple of pictures I have taken. Anyway got too go talk to you all later have a good one everybody.

Wednesday, March 31, 2004

Well I am sitting here bored with a cup of coffee, there is nothing on the tube because it is early and soon I will have to get ready and head too work for another day in the trenches. Today the sun is out in full force again so I will walk to work once more I am going to start doing that again because I need to walk off some of the access pounds I have accumulated during the winter months. That is the nice thing when the spring rolls around; you don’t feel confined by the weather. What can I say something about the sunshine makes you want to get outside and do something after months of snow and cold temperatures.

So I hope it is a better day at work than yesterday, the people who called in yesterday had no common sense what so ever. Click on start please, what is that? Hmmm maybe that button in the left hand corner of you screen that says start maybe? Oh well some of it is amusing to listen too sometimes. Anyway got too go talk to you all later have a good one everybody.

Tuesday, March 30, 2004

Well the start of another week is here, two days off is not long enough I don’t think. What is up with these stupid people calling in I wonder? I find myself losing patience with them more and more because they cannot answer a simple question with out giving you a diatribe about the history of their computer since buying it.

What version of windows are you using? Don’t know

What happens when you try to get online? Doesn’t work.

Did you get an error message? Don’t know

What are you using to get on-line for a software version? Like internet explorer for example? Don’t know

Well what the fuck do you know you retard! Jesus wept let me tell you, because this is what I have to deal with lately. All the smart people got DSL or a cable modem by the looks of things.

Anyway I had a good weekend; I watched the race on Sunday with my wife and what spectacle it was. Thunder valley also known as Bristol was an amusing romp indeed, lots of action. People were spinning each other out all over the place using the good old chrome horn. Even after the race it continued on pit road when someone had a temper tantrum and had a post race spin out. I hope next week in Texas is just as amusing, nothing worse than a boring race to be sure. The only thing worse would be football or golf. Anyway got too go and get too work.

Friday, March 26, 2004

Been staying away from my computer at home for the last little while which is why I have not been post here very much. I guess it is because I have been sitting in front of one all day long so I don’t really feel like looking at one all day long.

Work has been really good in the sense that it is really slow with very few calls coming in, there are times when there is ten minutes between calls. While this is good that we get a break it is bad that the dregs of society seems to be the ones that are calling in, but what do you do right?

Other than that not much has been going on in my life, I still not have had a smoke yet and it is edging up too two months or so. I am quite proud of myself, and as an added bonus I am sleeping better which is good. Now that the winter is losing it’s vice like grip on the land the snow is starting to melt I think I will return to walking too world starting next week to see if I can rid myself of the winter weight I have been putting on.

I have been putting in a lot of time on my son’s Xbox lately playing NASCAR Thunder 2004. I am having an extremely fun time with it for sure especially with the steering wheel with force feed back. Anyway got to go and get too work talk to you all later everybody.

Tuesday, March 16, 2004

Well I figured it was time to do a post finally, every thing is well in my world no complaints. Work is very slow a lot of time between calls, which is nice although a bit boring until I started to bring books to work. Not bad hunh? Getting pad to read right? I still have not had a smoke since I quit a couple of weeks ago. I did not cheat at all a sneak a quick smoke here or there, like I did before. So I am quite proud of myself!

Last night I finished the Grand Theft Auto: Vice City game or the PC. Anybody out there play that yet? Very amusing let me tell you, took me awhile though but the challenge was fun, I find it amusing too watch my son playing it and wiping out in the cars.

Speaking of which I watched the NASCAR race this Sunday with my wife, they raced in Atlanta and it was a good race compared to last week when they were running in Las Vegas which was the most boring race I ever tried to watch. In fact I gave up watching the Vegas race and started to read. However the one from this weekend was good there was actually some passing but no accidents which was a disappointment to me, I like watching the accidents during the race. Anyway got to go and get too work talk to you all later have a good one everybody!!!

Wednesday, March 03, 2004

Well I have still not had a smoke In a couple of weeks, yes I feel better and all cravings are gone but I noticed I do not sleep as good any more. For example on my days off I find it hard to sleep in, I find I usually wake up around 8 and cannot fall back to sleep. I wonder if this is because my blood pressure is not through the roof anymore from sucking on a cancer stick. If my heart is not pumping so hard maybe that is why I don’t sleep as deep anymore. At any rate I have nothing to complain about in my world, work is going well, mind you it is very slow. A lot of time between calls makes it a very boring experience, since they don’t not want us sucking up the bandwidth by surfing the web I have started bring novels to work and spend my time reading. How about that hunh? Getting paid to read? Yesterday for example I bought Donnie Brasco to work and seeing how I saw the movie and found it interesting I figured the book maybe better. Turns out I am right I am a hundred pages deep and looking forward to reading the rest of it. Anyway got to go and head to work. Have a good one.

Friday, February 20, 2004

Time for my weekly update I guess, not much happening in my world and I have nothing to complain about anyway. This past weekend I watched the Daytona 500 with my wife and it was a good race I thought. They had one pretty nasty accident which I figured would happen anyway. Dale JR won which was pretty cool considering his father was killed on the track a few years earlier. This Sunday they will be racing in Rockingham which is a nasty track when it comes to tire wear so I expect a couple of spills again this weekend.

I still have not had a smoke now I am in my fourth week of not smoking and I have not freaked out or killed anybody which is a good thing. On this Sunday my wife and I will be married for a year our first anniversary of many I hope. Time sure flies I must admit seems like only yesterday we got married. Mind you we will not be doing much to celebrate because it is Sunday and that is race day after all! Got too go talk to you all later have a good one everybody!

beautiful, voluptuous woman went to a gynecologist. The doctor took one look at her, and all his professionalism went out the window.
He immediately told her to undress. After she had disrobed, the doctor began to stroke her thigh.
Doing so, he asked her, "Do you know what I'm doing?"
"Yes," she replied, "you're checking for any abrasions or dermatological abnormalities."
"That is right," said the doctor.
He then began to fondle her breasts. "Do you know what I'm doing now?"
"Yes," the woman said, "you're checking for any lumps or breast cancer."
"Correct," replied the shady doctor.
Finally, he mounted his patient and started having sexual intercourse with her.
He asked, "Do you know what I'm doing now?"
"Yes," she said. "You're getting herpes, which is why I came here in the first place."

Wednesday, February 11, 2004

Well I am on week three with no smoking and I am quite proud of myself. I had a good weekend but it was not long enough. I just relaxed and took it easy, anybody see the movie “Open Range”? Not a huge amount of action but I liked it all the same, which is a rare thing since westerns are usually not that good to begin with. I also watched once upon a time in Mexico and I enjoyed that movie as well, yes there was a lot of clichés I know but I found it entertaining all the same. Well my wife is a happy camper because NASCAR season is started again with the Bud-pole shoot out this past weekend. Should be a good race on Sunday, they changed the tire compound so the tires will wear out quicker and they also changed the rear spoiler to affect the down force. So you just watch on Sunday there is going to be a lot of accidents I just bet. it has been really slow at work as of late which is kind of nice, speaking of which I got to go and get back on the phone. Talk to you all later have a good one everybody.

A professor of mathematics sent a fax to his wife. It read: "Dear Wife: You must realize that you are 54 years old, and I have certain needs which you are no longer able to satisfy. I am otherwise happy with you as wife, and I sincerely hope you will not be hurt or offended to learn that by the time you receive this letter, I will be at the Grand Hotel with my 18-year-old teaching assistant. I'll be home before midnight. -- Your Husband"

When he arrived at the hotel, there was a faxed letter waiting for him that read as follows:
"Dear Husband: You, too, are 54 years old, and by the time you receive this letter, I will be
at the Breakwater Hotel with the 18-year-old pool boy. Being the brilliant mathematician that you are, you can easily appreciate the fact that 18 goes into 54 a lot more times than 54 goes into 18. Don't wait up."

Tuesday, February 03, 2004

It has been a week today since I last had a cigarette, so I feel quite proud of myself. I passed the big test on Saturday night when I sipped on a few beer and never freaked out from not having a smoke. So I keep taking it a day a time, in a little while I am going to walk to work seeing how it is a nice day out. This weekend I really did not do much at all. Although I got to go into the local mall, my first trip in their since around Christmas time. I also tried to watch the “American Wedding” movie and let us just say I sighed and turned it off after about 15 minutes give or take. What a strained attempt at humour if I have ever seen it, just fucking lame. Now I thought since I am quitting smoking I was having some kid on chemical imbalance in my humour system, but not so I laughed at a number of different odds and ends this weekend. This movie was not one of them.

I did read a book called “The Cage” about an English man who moved to the U.S with his family when he was a teenager and ended up being drafted and sent to Vietnam. While there he was captured and tortured by the V.C and placed in a cage which was lowered into water until he had to turn his face up between the bars to breath. If anybody has seen the Deer Hunter you know what I am talking about. So anyway this gent escaped and lived in the jungle for a couple of days completely naked with no food and water, until an American patrol picked him up. Made for good reading, well I am glancing at the clock and I got to go and head to work talk to you all later. Have a good one everybody.

Tuesday, January 27, 2004

Started my new shift today, seems a little bit strange to come strolling into work for 11:30 when I am so used to getting here for 9:30 for the last couple of months. Plus I am sporting a nicotine patch to curb the smoking habit. I guess it is time to quit because it is not doing me any good. Plus it is getting awful expensive around $10 dollars a pack that we could be saving, mind you a pack usually lasts me almost 2 days which is not too bad I guess but not good either now is it? So far my day is going pretty good no climbing the walls from nicotine with drawl.

I watched a show this weekend about, Nostradamus. Every body is convinced he is predicting the future. I do not believe it my self, I think you can twist or interpret the text in anyway you want to make it true. Besides how do we know he was not all strung out on opium or something and having a trip? Could happen right? I think so anyway. Gotta go talk to you all later have a good one everyone.

Thursday, January 22, 2004

Sorry I have not updated in awhile, I have been busy at work. I have a new shift starting on Tuesday. I will be working from 11:30 in the morning to 10:30 at night. This will be the latest I have worked in a year. Things could have been worse I guess could end up with four till one for example. The bonus about my new shift is that I am off at 4:30 on Friday and Saturday and I have my Sundays and Mondays off again. I have been off Sundays and Mondays for a year now and have grown accustomed to them and I don’t want to change. Mind you it is going to be weird since I have been coming to work for 9:30 in the morning so switching to 11:30 will be a big jump. Anyway that is all that is new with me talk to you all later have a good one everybody.

Have you ever spoken and wished that you could immediately take the
words back...or that you could crawl into a hole? Here are the
testimonials of a few people who did....

I walked into a hair salon with my husband and three kids in tow and
asked loudly, "How much do you charge for a shampoo and a blow job?"
I turned around and walked back out and never went back. My
husband didn't say a word... he knew better.

I was at the golf store comparing different kinds of golf balls. I
was unhappy with the women's type I had been using. After browsing
for several minutes, I was approached by one of the good-looking
gentlemen who works at the store. He asked if he could help me.
Without thinking, I looked at him and said, "I think I like playing
with men's balls."

My sister and I were at the mall and passed by a store that sold a
variety of candy and nuts. As we were looking at the display case,
the boy behind the counter asked if we needed any help. I replied,
"No, I'm just looking at your nuts." My sister started to laugh
hysterically, the boy grinned,
and I turned beet-red and walked away. To this day, my sister has
never let
me forget.
While in line at the bank one afternoon, my toddler decided to release some pent-up energy and ran amuk. I was finally able to grab hold of her after receiving looks of disgust and annoyance from other patrons. I told her that if she did not start behaving "right now" she would be punished. To my horror, she looked me in the eye and said in a voice just as threatening, "If you don't let me go right now, I will tell Grandma that I saw you kissing Daddy's pee-pee last night!" The silence was deafening after this
enlightening exchange. Even the tellers stopped what they were
doing. I mustered up the last of my dignity and walked out of the
bank with my daughter in tow. The last thing I heard when the door
closed behind me were screams of laughter.

Have you ever asked your child a question too many times? My
three-year-old son had a lot of problems with potty training and I
was on him constantly. One day we stopped at Taco Bell for a quick
lunch in between errands. It was very busy, with a full dining room.
While enjoying my taco, I smelled something funny, so of course I
checked my seven-month-old daughter, and she was clean. Then I
realized that Danny had not asked to go potty in a while, so I asked
him if he needed to go, and he said "No." I kept thinking, "Oh Lord,
that child has had an accident, and I don't have any clothes with
me." Then I said, "Danny, are you SURE you didn't have an accident?"
"No," he replied. I just KNEW that he must have had an accident,
because the smell was getting worse. Soooooo, I asked one more time,
"Danny, did you have an accident?" This time he jumped up, yanked
down his pants, bent over and spread his cheeks and yelled. "SEE
MOM, IT'S JUST FARTS!!" While 30 people nearly choked to death on
their tacos laughing! He calmly pulled up his pants and sat down. An
old couple made me feel better by thanking me for the best laugh
they'd ever had!

This had most of the state of Michigan laughing for 2 days and a
very embarrassed female news anchor who will, in the future, likely
think before she speaks. What happens when you predict snow but
don't get any....a true story... He had a female news anchor who,
the day after it was supposed to have snowed and didn't, turned to
the weatherman and asked: "So Bob, where's that 8 inches you
promised me last night?" Not only did HE have to leave the set, but

half the crew did too they were laughing so hard!

Now, didn't that feel good? Pass it on to someone you know who likes
to laugh.

Tuesday, January 13, 2004

I had a pretty good weekend all things considered; mind you I did not do anything special. I watched a few movies though, for example I watched Dumb and Dumberer. That movie did not make me laugh at all, in fact I turned it off at chapter five I do believe and handed it too my son. He thought it was funny, so the movie is appealing to ten year olds I guess. Then I watched S.W.A.T which I enjoyed, true it started off kind of slow but I enjoyed it all the same. I mean for a movie to be any good they do have to build up some semblance of a story right?

Yesterday I spent my day on the XBOX play NASCAR thunder 2004; I got into starting of a career. Talk about hard! You have hardly any money and no equipment when you start off. Plus you have the pedal to metal and other cars pass you like you are standing still unless you draft all the way around the track. It is going to be a hard go of it since I spend more time sliding into the walls on some of the tracks. Then I have to spend most of my hard earned cash repairing my car because every fucker and his brother will spin me out at every opportunity. Then again I learned that lesson well, so when people try to pass me now I spin the bastards out now when ever I get the chance. Which makes for lots of accidents in the race, what can I say I am the anti-Christ I guess. So I have to build up my team over 20 season to get all the expensive equipment, each season is 36 races but thank god I am only doing 10% of the race size. Anyway got to go talk to you all later have a good one everybody.

Friday, January 09, 2004

Did anybody see that new reality show on T.V last night? Called the apprentice? The concept is that a bunch of men and women are competing to work as a president of one of Donald Trump’s companies for a period of one year with a big salary. Sounds like a good deal all around if you win I guess, Last night he separated the group into men versus women and sent them off on a project. Each team received I think it was $250 dollars with which they had to see how much of a profit they could make selling lemonade. The winner was the women who were selling their lemonade for $5 a glass and including their phone numbers as well. Smart little tactic I though so they ended up quadrupling their money. The men were trying to sell lemonade near the fish market; I mean come on people who is going to be down near a smelly fish market unless they have to be? Needless to say they did not win and one of the team got fired. I found it very entertaining for sure; it is coming on again next Wednesday so I am curious to see what is going to happen next week.

I am looking forward to this weekend and doing some old fashioned relaxing, and spending some quality time with my wife and son. After today one more day to go and I have my glorious two days off. Too bad they go by way to quick, I amazes me how each week drags it’s ass until it reaches the weekend. Then the weekend goes by in the blink of an eye. Anyway got to go talk to you all later have a good one everybody.

Thursday, January 08, 2004

Man is it cold outside, the car was coated in frost this morning, could be worse though I guess. Going to be a slow day at work today I would imagine considering yesterday was a slow one. Last night I watched a new show on discovery called American Hot Rod, in which a group of gents make custom cars. Mind you the cars are expensive ranging from $50,000 up to $500,000, ouch would not want to pay for that to be sure. I was not impressed with the show as I am with say with American Chopper. I like watching the guys fabricated everything from scratch when building a motorcycle. It is not the same when they built the cars because all the cars they build pretty much look the same. Yes they are nice cars but the appeal is not there. But then again it was the first show so maybe when the series actually starts it will be better.

Anybody see the bit on the news about the woman who claimed she lost her winning lottery ticket? Then the person who actually won came forward to claim the prize? She had the ticket and the sales slip from when she bought the ticket in the first place. Some people will try anything I guess.

On a whole different topic, I will be married for one year on the 22nd of next month. Did not take long for a year to slip past, where does the time go I wonder? Some times time drags out and other times it goes by in a flash. Next thing you know I will be bald and drooling on myself. Wonder if I will suffer the injustice of going senile and wetting myself. God I hope not, if I get that bad I hope someone pulls the plug on me. Any got to go talk to you all later have a good one everybody.

Way down in the outports of Newfoundland, Murph's old lady had been
pregnant for some time, and now the time had come. He brought her to
the doctor, and the doctor began to deliver the baby.

She had a little boy, and the doctor looked over at Murph and said,
"Hey, Murph! You just had you a son! Ain't dat grand!!"
Murph got excited by this, but just then the doctor spoke up and said, "Hold on! We ain't finished yet!"

The doctor then delivered a little girl. He said, "Hey, Murph! You got
you a daughter!!!! She a pretty lil ting, too...."
Murph got kind of puzzled by this, and then the doctor said, "Hold on, we still ain't got done yet!" The doctor then delivered another boy said, "Murph, you just had yourself another boy!"

Murph said to the doctor, "Doc, what caused all of dem babies?" The
doctor said, "You never know Murph, it was probably something that
happened d! uring conception."
Murph said, "Ah yeah, during conception"
When Murph and his wife went home with their three children, he sat

down with his wife and said, "Mama, you remember dat night what we ran
out of Vaseline and we had to use dat dere 3-in-1 Oil.
She said, "Yeah, I remember dat night"
Murph said, "I'll tell you, bye, it's a fookin' good ting we didn't use dat WD-40!!"

Wednesday, January 07, 2004

Well another day done and over with for me, not much too report at work the last little while except some of the callers are getting more dense as time progresses. But what do you do right, just grin and bear it with then mute them and either laugh at their stupidity or curse them. This weekend I watched Bad Boys 2 which was ok, I was better than I figured it would be. Especially the part when they were in the morgue, I laughed my ass off at that part. Another movie I had a gander at was house of ghosts. Once I figured out what the hell was happening I found it more enjoyable. I have not been cruising the net much lately because I have been engrossed with a couple of books my wife bought for me. For example I am reading a book by Tom Clancy called Shadow Warriors, it is about U.S Special Forces and how they have built up since their birth in the great world wars. I read a lot of books dealing with the military and I enjoy them immensely, mostly because I served myself so I can see their point of view and understand how hard they have to train and endure. The part I am reading now is about how they invaded Panama which is making out for a good read indeed.

When I read a book that is a science fiction it makes me amused to read and entertained, but when I read some thing that is non-fiction or a biography it keeps me captivated, especially war novels for example. One of the best was called the Teams which was about the U.S navy SEALS, the last story in it was about Jessie “The Body” Ventura. It was pretty cool how he learned the values of physical fitness from the seals which carried over into his wrestling career. Anyway enough of babbling I guess but it makes me wonder if that is the taste I like in books what do everyone else out there read I wonder. Anyway got to go talk to you all later have a good one everybody. My friend Jen sent me this joke I thought it was funny.

There was a Mainlander, a Cape Bretoner and a Newfie on death row.

The warden gave them a choice of three ways to die:
1. to be shot
2. to be hung
3. to be injected with the AIDS virus for a slow death.

So the Mainlander said, "Shoot me right in the head." (Boom, he was
dead instantly).

Then the Cape Bretoner said, "Just hang me." (Snap, he was dead.)

Then the Newfie said, "Give me some of that AIDS stuff."

They gave him the shot, and the Newfie fell down laughing. The
guards looked at each other and wondered what was wrong with this

Then the Newfie said, "Give me another one of those shots," so the
guards did.

Now he was laughing so hard, tears rolled from his
eyes and he doubled over. Finally the warden said, "What is wrong with you?"

The Newfie replied, "You guys are so stupid..... I'm wearing a condom!"

Saturday, January 03, 2004

What is up with men and bathrooms? I go to the bathroom stand in front of the urinal and talk a whiz. At no point in time while I watch my urine flow and hit the white porcelain that this is a good time to pick my nose and wipe it on the wall. So I guess that does not make me some kind of perverse snot artist. Why would you do this considering you are in a bathroom with paper towels, toilet paper and a sink to wash your hands in? What is the point of making graffiti out of it? Do you really think we want to se your booger and admire the shape, color, or the size of it? Like I got nothing better to do right? The cleaning crew never seems to get around to cleaning it up, do I blame them? Not in the least they are probably as disgusted as I am. That is my rant for today have a good one everybody.

Friday, January 02, 2004

Another new year is here; hopefully this one will go as good as last year. I am looking forward to this weekend and settling down to some good old fashion relaxing. We do not have any company this weekend so it will be a nice switch to have our place to ourselves. Having company is nice but it wears thin after awhile and it sure as hells cramps your style after awhile. Last night I watched Sea Biscuit with my wife, I must say it was a good movie it kept me interested through the whole thing. We watched Legally Blonde 2 the night before, it was errrr okay I guess but not something I would like to re-watch. A lot of the humor was strained I thought and a lot of the jokes were not funny at all. Hopefully I will get to rent a couple this weekend if there is anything left usually there is not.

Yesterday I got to go home early because it was not busy and it felt like a Saturday to me, so my week thus far is all fucked up. At least it was slow so that is something right there. I guess a lot of our customers had better things to do than call us (like nursing a hangover). Hopefully today will be slow as well, I guess I will find out when I get too work and get on the phone. Anyway I got to go have a good one everybody.

John was a clerk in a small drugstore but he was not much of a salesman. He could never find the item the customer wanted.

Bob, the owner, had about enough and warned John that the next sale he missed would be his last.

Just then a man came in coughing and he asked John for their best cough syrup. Try as he might John could not find the cough syrup. Remembering Bob's warning he sold the man a box of Ex-Lax and told him to take it all at once. The customer did as John said and then walked outside and leaned against a lamp post.

Bob had seen the whole thing and came over to ask John what had transpired.

"He wanted something for his cough but I couldn't find the cough syrup. I substituted Ex-Lax and told him to take it all at once," John explained.

"Ex-Lax won't cure a cough" Bob shouted angrily.

"Sure it will" John said, pointing at the man leaning on the lamp post. "Look at him. He's afraid to cough."