Wednesday, July 14, 2004

Let’s see on my weekend I formatted both of my hard drives and loaded windows XP on the biggest one and set the smaller one as a storage drive for some odds and ends I have and started anew. Then the fucking internet was down for almost all week end so I could not get any windows updates done until late Monday afternoon. So now I am done, since doing windows updates I have installed all the usual programs, Microsoft office, Winamp, AVG anti virus, Panda Anti virus software with included firewall, etc.

So with that done I fired up Pest Patrol corporate edition and updated it and began to search for spy ware. My jaw dropped it found 30 entries on my computer, once I deleted those I next tried Spy Sweeper and found yet another 7, next on the list was Spybot which proceeded to find 3 more, last was Ad-aware professional which found an additional one more.

What is wrong with that picture I wonder? Where does all this shit come from? Now I know when you are installing programs and application some of it piggy backs in on the software for example the evil bastard known as real player. Another big culprit are the file sharing programs everybody is so enamored with but other than that I really wonder how it gets on there. I wonder if any Spy ware is included in the windows updates that are downloaded and installed.

I can just imagine how much spy ware is out there on computers, I had a customer download Ad-aware the personal free addition and helped this person update it and do a scan, a staggering 500 plus entries were detected and this person was wondering why the computer was so slow?

I often think what really would happen if a bunch of people launched a class action law suit at the produces of spy ware? Would they settle out of court? I think they would if you could track them down. If the public was more aware if it was going to be dragged kicking and screaming into the lime light maybe we could curb this a bit.

That is my little rant for today, my two cents worth as it were. I have to get ready to stroll too work talk to you all later on, have a good one everybody!

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