Saturday, January 03, 2004

What is up with men and bathrooms? I go to the bathroom stand in front of the urinal and talk a whiz. At no point in time while I watch my urine flow and hit the white porcelain that this is a good time to pick my nose and wipe it on the wall. So I guess that does not make me some kind of perverse snot artist. Why would you do this considering you are in a bathroom with paper towels, toilet paper and a sink to wash your hands in? What is the point of making graffiti out of it? Do you really think we want to se your booger and admire the shape, color, or the size of it? Like I got nothing better to do right? The cleaning crew never seems to get around to cleaning it up, do I blame them? Not in the least they are probably as disgusted as I am. That is my rant for today have a good one everybody.

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