Wednesday, September 15, 2004

Ahh! Hump day this week is half over; it has been a great week so far the new training is like a breath of fresh air in my job mainly because no more trouble shooting. So it seems that my job is shaping up to be fun again which is nice to know, I start a new shift come Monday from 12:30 to 9:30 which is not to shabby all things considered. Not too late and not too early, that is a good thing to tell you the truth because I am not a morning person.

So here is the real reason for this post, I had watched a preview for a movie and had a nugget of an idea for a post and I promptly forgot a few minutes later because sometimes I have the attention span of a tick it seems. It was a movie about remote viewing, now I am not going to get into all the details about the movie itself but I had read a book about that particular subject and it made me think of it so much I had to go and pick up the book and have a look at the title for you., it was called Psychic Warrior by David Morehouse.

Phychic Warrior

It was a really interesting book to tell you the truth, this gent was a soldier at one point in time who got hit in the head during a live fire exercise. The round hit him in the head and the helmet stopped the bullet and knocked him out however. Then he was telling how he started to see things and to make a long story short he ended up working for the Star gate program which was being run by the CIA. Interesting hunh? Although I often wonder if this is really possible for someone to do, the idea or projecting your self to a different place in the world and indeed a different place in time for example because this gent mentions they could see things that had happened in the past for example makes it hard to get your head around. Indeed the science community has the theory that we use only 10% of our brain that leaves the question of what are we capable of doing with the rest of it? Who know I guess because I don’t think we are anywhere near close to finding out. All I know is that I will pick up the book again this weekend and re-read it again to refresh my self on the story again. One thing puzzles me about the subject, if this was really a project that the government of the US was experimenting with why did they let him write a book on the subject? Did they figure people who dismiss the man as a raving lunatic with illusions that are a figment of his imagination? Also if the project was so secret as the author claims I wonder if he is still alive or did he have an “accident”? Makes you think? Anyway that is my little spiel for today talk to you all later have a good one everybody!

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