Friday, June 11, 2004

Well today is Friday in the grand scheme of things, not that it really matters in my world. I had to attend training yesterday so now I am off until the 21st which is going to be very boring let me tell you. Before I started working at my present job I was Mr. Mom and now it seems I might have to slip back into the role. The problem being that it only takes a good solid hour to clean our apartment then there is really no other house work to do. There is only so much surfing the internet you can do as well, I like to read though so maybe I will start re-reading some of my books I guess. Now that the weather is finally starting to warm up I can go for walks down around the park to get rid of some of this winter fat I have.

I was looking at the Wired News web site as I am apt to do while drinking my morning coffee and I spotted this head line

Dogs Understand Human Language

Well no shit anybody who has a dog can tell you that. Although I must admit border collies are damn smart indeed. I used to have a one and they are definitely more intelligent that some human beings I have met. Although it is amazing as smart as they are, they still fall for the fake throw every time.

I am just betting in the not too distant future a re-location will be in order. Why do I bet this? Because if things don’t work out at the present company I work for the chances of me getting a job around here are not too good at all. I figure we may have to move too Alberta again maybe at least there I work there. Anyway I go too go and find something to do, talk to you all later have a good one everybody!

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