Sunday, May 11, 2003


Last night was a quiet night for a little while. The isa had captured a key strong point and had settled down in a night defensive position. After digging in they tried to get some much needed sleep. But alas it was to no avail. The eib launched a series of probing attacks to keep the defenders off balance and to lower morale. What they did not know was during the cover of darkness the isa had used the time to bring in reinforcements in the shape of armour and heavy artillery. When the eib launched their probing attacks they were met with a brutal wall of fire. Tracer rounds lit up the night sky like some kind of macabre laser show, explosions rocked the night sky as if dragons once again walked the earth spewing fire and death once again. Once the smoke and flames died out during the lull in the battle the night sky was filled with millions of stars like diamonds spread across black velvet.

During the night shrapnelz’s raiders (SR) a Special Forces group had launched and executed a plan called operation extra strength Tylenol, This plan called for the spec ops group to cross into enemy territory in captured enemy uniforms and kill key leaders in the eib army. During the night they filtered through the opposing army striking where necessary. Just before 4:00 in the morning they crossed back over into friendly territory once more after an exhausting ordeal.

As the sky turned pink with the dawn the eib launched a morning attack in an attempt to gain back the valuable land they had lost. The early morning was shattered with gun fire and explosions. The battle raged on for what seemed like days as the isa beat the waves of attackers back time and time again. Cries of “MEDIC!” could be heard from both sides as casualties mounted. Then the armour which had been hidden behind the ridge raced forward and joined the fray. This was too much for the eib who gave up and ran for their lives.

General amoeba the commanding officer of the isa had an evil grin on his face as he ordered the armour units to give chase to the fleeing units.

We will leave the battle now as it is winding down for now. We will be back with yet another update later as more of this continuing saga unfolds. Hopefully we will be granted an exclusive interview with the infamous general amoeba. Until then good-bye.

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