we pay taxes and we die wooohooo! how fun is that? if we are lucky we find some happiness along the way. we need money to live and to be happy. some need alittle and some need alot. depending on the life style. to get money we need a job which means working. to get a job you need experience. to get experience you need a job in the first place.......need five years experince? how do i get that if nobody will hire me? i you know this let me know will ya? i guess most people lie on their resumes. or you volunteer to do the job for free to get the experience. (hey if it floats your boat you are a better person than me?) or mu personal favorite...you are over qualified. WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT? you are too smart for the job? he know's too much? we don't like you? we already had a person picked before we poseted the job?(my money is usually on this one?) a polite way to say FUCK OFF?
we pat taxes all the time. for what? i never see any of the money doing any real good. pot holse in the streets around here you could land some lunar modules in them and do some exploration. we get tax increase and the politicians get pay raises after seeing who gets elected for telling the bigggest lies. HMMMMMMMM............should they be held responsible for lying to us? i think so...mob rule justice and all of that.....i would love to see some tarred and feathered for example........
so to pay taxes we work....like mindless drones we toil in a nevr ending circle of slave to the gind......we get less and less free time studies say and less sleep. something is going to give and give big time i would say. because once a year we have to pay taxes for fuck all and so someone on welfare or social assistance can do nothing. now not all the people on these programs deserve to be lumped under the same group. some have to be on it or are like us all, ashamed if they had to be on it but HAD to be on it never the less. but most people abuse it.
so if we are lucy we can get to work all of our lives....unless we are given the bbot because we are too old....some younger guy can have your job....step into my office...why/ cuz you're fucking fired that's why! so we bounce around trying to work because this is what baks and credit card companies actually want us too do. and we retire and drop dead of a heart attack at 55 or hellish as it is 64. one year before retiring,all that money paid into pension funds. (WHERE DOES THAT GO BY THE WAY? EVER WONDER?) we work some some person in a suit can make desisions vased on our faith. do we have a job the next day or a pink slip? makes you wonder if this is all worth it sometimes does it not?
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