Monday, May 05, 2003

now is this or is this not a beautiful animal? indeed it is like save the whales they are trying to save the tigers because of habitat loss, poaching they are in serious jeopardy. now when they see baby tiger they go OOHHHHHHHHHH! aren't they cute.......


come on dare you too say AHHHHHHHHH isn't he cute? yeah right. these are the ultimate apex predator. sharks have been around for millions of years. basically they are natures garbage disposal units. i think they are highly interesting and even facinating but they scare the shit out of me.

most people are afariad of sharks which is why some of them are killed on sight. which is wrong. they swim the waters killing whatever seems weak, sick, whatever. trimming the herd in a way to speak. survival of the fittest. so why are sharks being killed in record numbers? most are caught alive and have their fins cut off and thrown back into the ocean? this is done for example by asian fishing trawlers so the can sell the fins for shark fin soup. i kid you not, i was watching this on the discovery channel. CAN YOU EVEN imagine a save the sharks foundation? cannot see people getting behind that one not at all. australia has made great white sharks and endangered species off their coast which is pretty cool.

people got attacked in the highest numbers last year it seem. like the child that lost his arm down in florida. why does this happen? think about get in the water thrash around.......or on a surf board which looks alot like a seal from below, especially when wearing a wet suit. then you wonder why they attack? it is where they live and eat and hunt. i have an idea. stay the fuck out of the ocean and leave it at that. if we were meant to swim in the oceans we would have gills and proably be extinct because the sharks would find us easy prey. SWIMMING pools people ever hear of them? use them and no predators swimming around. sound like a good idea? to me it does. now i cannot swim but if i could i would not swim in the ocean. why? i have lived near the ocean all my life . I know what is really in there, not just sharks either and the other creepy crwales. (SHUDDER) not a fat fucking chance of getting me out there.

Carcharodon meglodon: a sharks that was around before man. think of this monster. the size of a GREY HOUND BUS! holf shit! i would not go near the ocean let alone on it if they were around. cruse ship forget about in not likely. i would be paranoid. great white shark teeth are the size of say your finger. these guys teeth were the size of a hand. think about that next time you are swimming in the ocean.

this is all just some musing i did last night that i never got too write down. my wife got home and i err...*cough*.....was busy. yeah that's it busy! (INSERT HUGE CHESIRE CAT GRIN HERE) so i put this on my page today. i wonder if other eople feel the same way? i know something that is for sure makes you think.

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