Thursday, May 15, 2003

dan·de·li·on [ dánd’l n ] (plural dan·de·li·ons)

weed with yellow flowers: a common plant that has bright yellow flowers on a hollow stalk. Its seed head is white and fluffy and its leaves are used in salads, medicine, and winemaking. Latin name Taraxacum officinale.

[15th century. From French dent de lion , lions tooth, translating Latin dens leonis . Because of the plants toothed leaves.]

i was out side waiting for my cab because it was raining today as usual. while i was standing there nonchalantly smoking a ciggarette there was an old lady puttering around on the lawn with a shopping bag and a pair of scissors. every now and then she would lean down and cut something from the grass. why was an old lady out cutting something in the grass while it was raining i wondered? *shrug* figured it must be something old people do when they are bored. while i pondered this old people idiosyncrasies she sidled up to me and said "do they have any dandelions in newfoundland?"
"yes i replied, why?"
"do you eat them?" she answered. what is that all about?
"you cook them like spinach" she told me

now who came up with this idea in the first place i wondered? what would make someone break down and eat dandelions in the first place? here we are trying to get rid off all the weeds on our lawns to make them beautiful and we were just wasting food. i told my supervisor about this story and he did not believe me, he thought i was making it up. it was a wierd experience believe me knocked me for a loop.

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