Last night I was lying in bed and I could not sleep. I watched my wife sleep away, and I thought how angelic women look when they sleep. Then as I got mad and tried to sleep it just evaded me even more. So I started thinking about some of the weird calls I am after taking.
Case in point, I was talking to an older gentleman and after doing my job for awhile you could tell he was middle aged or so maybe retired. How ever after we got the usual amenities out of the way and started working on his problem I drew him into conversation. I asked him how long he was trying to get connected to the internet. Not long he replied, but his wife had been trying for sometime. Did she get on-line I asked. No he replied she was working on it until she blew herself up! That is a show stopper right there folks.
Needless to say there was dead silence at that point. My imagination shot off the starting line and started sprinting around the imagination circuit. What the hell was she doing with the computer to blow herself up? Was she playing with the dreaded and dangerous power supply for some unknown reason? It is very dangerous and even when unplugged can kill you? Did she get mad and shoot the computer with a shotgun and inadvertently blow herself up? As my imagination headed down the home stretch I guessed maybe she got mad and punched the monitor causing an explosion. Lap complete. All of this happened in a span of 30 seconds or so.
What to run that by me again I asked. She blew herself up was the reply. Now I am from Newfoundland and we are curious folk so I had to ask, how did she manage that? Well she is sick god bless her, she is trying very hard to quit smoking. She is on an oxygen bottle and she lit up a cigarette, and boom.
Is she okay I asked? Oh yes she is, gave herself a fright and a little bit of a burn. Well as long as he is okay that’s the main thing I answered, also good way to scare yourself into quitting smoking I guess. At this point he laughed, so hey so did I. very funny indeed considering it happened to someone else, ever notice that fact? Things are funny when they happen to someone else? Well I managed to get him straightened up and online but he sure did fill my day with amusement. It is a true call too by the way, if you listen to my calls from the past you could listen to it yourself.
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