Today has met with a resounding victory by the isa army over the invading eib. Earlier today as the forces of the isa hounded the eib as they retreated they cornered them on a sweeping meadow. The grass was stained with the blood of the dead and dying as the isa fought like a cornered rat. eib made their last stand on the top of a hill. Isa surrounded them and wiped the last of them out. Raising the flag or shrapnelzville high over the broken and dead bodies of their slain foe, then ensured a merry making the which none has seen since the chicken pox battle of 82.
What is this we are going to given an exclusive interview with general amoeba? He we go. The general strides across the stage back ramrod straight. His combat uniform crisp and clean adored with numerous campaign medals showing what a true warrior he is.
“good day ladies and gentlemen of the press. I am now ready to take some answers.”
Reporter---“general how do you feel about the war and how it was fought by your troops?”
General---“I feel that my mean and women have done a tremendous job in the way they have conducted themselves. We won the war because of superior training and leadership. Our weapons and equipment are second to none. Because of all of these factors combined we have had a resounding success.”
Reporter---“general what about the reports we have heard about your troops not taking any pow’s during the short campaign. Any comments on that sir?”
General---“*sigh* have any of YOU ever worn a uniform? No? Then judge not lest you be judged yourself. If you are too chicken shit to pick up a weapon and defend yourself do not throw stones at the people who do.”
Reporter---“general do you feel vindicated by the fact that you troops have won the battle so quickly after all the fuss over military spending during the last budget?”
General---“excellent question! As you can see the tax payers dollar have not been spent in vain. I am hoping that the when the next budget comes around we won’t have to worry about trying to cut corners. If you put money into the military obviously we are going to produce. It is that simple.”
Reporter---“what are you going to do next general?”
General---“well not a whole lot for the next day or so. My soldiers need time to rest and relax after all of this. I would imagine a lot of partying is going to come out of all of this and truthfully, well they deserve it. *grin* I would expect in the next month there will be some victory babies born. When the battle field is all clean up it is back to business. Cleaning weapons and training.”
Reporter” sir can you tell me….”
General----“ sorry son but my time is valuable I have to go and visit my wounded at the hospital and have a beer with the ones out partying until next time see you later and keep your head down.
The lights dim and the general give the crowd of reporters a stiff salute. The air fills with a million flash bulbs as his picture is taken multiple times and ends up on the front page of the next day’s newspaper. Then he turns smartly on his heel and marches briskly off into the darkness.
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