Thursday, November 20, 2003

I see Michael Jackson is catapulted back into the news. Seems he is being accused of molesting a child again. Well I don’t know if he did it or not, but who knows he looks like a person bit off center of balance to me. He got accused before and settled out of court and now here he is on the chopping block again. Now if I was a parent and he was accused and settled out of court in my mind that would be guilty because if I was accused and I was innocent I would fight tooth and nail to clear myself. Mind you would have the stigma of being a child molester following you around but at least you could look yourself in the mirror. So here is a man who confesses to sleep in the same bed with young children. Would you let your kids do this? I don’t care if he is a celebrity or not what the fuck were you people thinking? I bet they did it so something would happen so they could do a major cash grab and sue him. Poor little Johnny or Susie is scarred for life, oh well let’s get rich! Gotta love it hunh? So even if he was found guilty how much do you bet he would not do hard time, I bet the jail or prison he would end up in would be more of a country club. If he is guilty I would like to see him to go a ”REAL” prison like San Quentin where he would get passed around like the communal offering to see how he likes being exploited, that is if he is guilty. If he is not guilty, well then how about stop sending your kids over there giving fuel to more controversy. I mean really how about hanging out with people your own age. Anyway got to go and get too work, talk to you all later everyone have a good one.

Four women were chatting in the locker room, when one of them
mentioned the fact that while there were numerous terms for male
masturbation jerking off, wanking, spanking the monkey, and so
on there weren't any common terms for female masturbation.

"I've always called it 'jilling off'," said one of the women.

"But that's just a feminization of 'jacking off,'" said the first.

"You're right," said another. "We don't seem to have any slang
terms of our own for it."

The fourth woman snorted. "After fourteen years of marriage,
there's only one thing I call it."

"What's that?"

"Finishing the job."

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