Wednesday, October 08, 2003

Well I got off work early yesterday and came home bored what to do what to do? Well I washed the dishes and did the other odd mundane jobs we have to normally do in our lives then I fired up the trusty old computer. Then I proceeded to load a program used to *cough* *ahem* “acquire” files from the internet. So a guy whose nick name will be with held and I struck up a conversation. It turns out he is a programmer down in the U.S. seems he was a programmer for 30 years and I told him you don’t really talk to many people who are programmers for that stretch of time. He answered he does not know of too many programmers and I could not help it but I burst out laughing when I read that one, he also mentioned he has been out of work for three years! How true it is to be unemployed for long stretches of time been there my self not a fun experience to say the least. Nothing worse than having no reason to get up in the morning time, makes you feel useless and like something that crawled out of a rock, well that is how I felt anyway. The reason why he probably cannot get a job in his field? Besides the kiss off that your are over qualified, a lot of high tech jobs in North America have moved over seas to places like India for example you can check out the story here for example.

Jobs Abound In India’s Tech Sector

how’s that for a kick in the nuts for people who went to school for X number of years so the jobs they worked hard and trained for to be moved to a country because it is cheaper? Welcome to the world of global economics right? Most of the manufacturer jobs are in other countries why not the high tech sector? I just pity the people who call some of theses companies for help in tech support for example. Case in point DELL, A lot of customers sputter when I tell them they have to call them because the language barrier is brutal which is understandable. So what is a customer to do? You got me, anyway must get ready to go too work talk to you all later.

P.S. while I was writing this and getting a joke to tack onto the end of my post I got a blue screen of death from my computer and had to restart, thinking fuck I have to re-type this damn thing and the it was when I opened office XP letting me recover it. Isn’t technology grand sometimes?

10 ways to Know If You Bought A Bad Computer

1. Lower corner of screen has the words "Etch-a-sketch" on it.
2. It's celebrity spokesman is that "Hey Vern!" guy.
3. In order to start it you need some jumper cables and a friend's car.
4. It's slogan is "Pentium: redefining mathematics".
5. The "quick reference" manual is 120 pages long.
6. Whenever you turn it on, all the dogs in your neighborhood start howling.
7. The screen often displays the message, "Ain't it break time yet?"
8. The manual contains only one sentence: "Good Luck!"
9. The only chip inside is a Dorito.
10. You've decided that your computer is an excellent addition to your fabulous paperweight collection.

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