Wednesday, October 29, 2003

I saw a little blurb on the news about Pamela Anderson speaking out about unfair treatment of chickens by Kentucky fried chicken. Hmm and fast food company killing chickens for mass production for consumers and your point being? She was babbling on about the treatment of such animals and how they are de-feathered for example, the point she was getting too was about the inhumane way they were being treated. In-humane indeed considering they are not human and they are going to end up in a three piece meal some where in the world. Pamela Anderson of all people I mean COME ON! the credibility factor took a nose dive on that one. We all know she was now imbued with a bucket full of brains and after seeing pictures of her and Tommy Lee plastered up all over the internet and getting spammed with fucking email about it give it a rest your 15 seconds in the spot life has come and gone. Shut up and go away so we can forget about you. If PETA really wants to make a big deal about this get a classy spokesperson about the issue for Christ’s sake. Not somebody we like with the I.Q of a bag of hair and silicon implants to cushion the fall with. At the very least get someone like Linda Blair to speak about it, someone who can put sentences together in a string and no come off sounding like an air head. That is my two cents for today talk to you all later, have a good one every one.

One day a door-to-door salesman knocked on a door. Little Johnny
answered the door and the salesman asked if his mother was home.

Little Johnny said "No, she is at the whore house."

The bright salesman asked if she was a prostitute, and the little boy
replied, "No, she is a substitute. She only works Wednesdays and
Fridays during the rush."

The salesman said, "Well I'll be a son-of-a-bitch."

The little boy said, "Well, I'm one too, but I don't go around knocking
on doors telling folks."

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