Not suitable for some readers rated pg-13
Well I am donning my white lab coat and whipping out my microscope and examining some interesting specimens here. The specimens in question are a bunch of women I work with. They are very interesting people to be sitting in ear shot distance from and I compare them to diplomatic relations. With out further adieu here we go.
Specimens a -- she is a young lady in her early twenties; she has the
closed border policy! Meaning no one gets in or out alive. I will not name names here. So she has no interest in sex and says that women do not get any enjoyment out of it what so ever. I told her she was doing it wrong and that her boyfriend should treat her like a postage stamp. What are you talking about she asked me. I said he has to lick it before he sticks it. Needless to say she turned so red I thought her head was about to explode. All the same she said she has no desire to have sex what so ever, how strange.
specimen b-- another young lady who is more of a
dictator; she is the one who wears the proverbial pants in that relationship. She does not like having sex and has remarked that if I give him some he will want it all the time. This is bad because? Who knows but she does not want to do it either. Disturbing trend going on here I am thinking.
specimen c---another young lady but she is in her later twenties so she has been around the block longer. She is more of a
neutral territory meaning sometimes she will but most of the time she does not. She once remarked to me that she had to tell her ex-boyfriend to stop during their
”relations” oh my god I would just die if that was me, yes I can see a woman asking you to stop because she is getting sore. But to be that bad she is asking you to stop? I would go and join a monastery I think.
specimen d--- this is another young lady in her early twenties she is more of a
friendly nation meaning she actually likes to have sex. When the person above said women do not get any enjoyment out of sex, she spoke up and said I beg to differ! When I started grinning like a Cheshire cat because I was thinking holy shit some one that is normal and will admit it. Or at least the guys she goes out with know what to do with their equipment.
So there you go how is that for strange? I figure the guys who are dating some of these girls are reading the wrong manual or something. The very least are not allowed to practice to become proficient at sex. I have stated before and I will say it again. Thank god I am married and do not have to deal with this kind of thing. Anyway must go and get too work talk to you all later, have a good one.
A Newfie was hired on in a warehouse in Toronto. On his first day on the job, a Caper approached him. "Hi Newf" the Caper said, want me to show you how to get the day off?
The Newf was all ears. "Sure" he said.
With that, the Caper pushed a ladder against the wall and climbed to the top, grabbed a rafter, shimmied to the middle of the room and hung there till the foreman came along.
The foreman spotted the guy hanging from the ceiling and asked what he was doing. The Caper replied, "hey I'm a light bulb, you need me".
The foreman shook his head and shouted. "Come down from there and go home for the day". "Get a good rest and come back tomorrow".
The Caper climbed down and headed for the door. The Newfie followed behind him.
"Hey" the foreman shouted, "Where do you think you're going Newf?"
The Newf replied, "I ain't workin in the dark".