Well I am enjoying my day off let me tell you. I never did much today at all played around with a computer game but that about sums it up. On the weekend I never do very much so to speak. I don’t go to bars or parties because Saturday day night is quality time with my wife. Besides I left the party life behind me a long time ago, I now find it boring to an extent. Being in a bar with a couple hundred people bumping into you and having to yell over the music lost its appeal. This coming from guy who once upon a time used to like going to rave bars so go figure.
I did watch a documentary on the science of shark bites on discovery channel which I found very interesting to say the least. This I got too watch after NASCAR was over so I enjoyed my TV time for a little while. Seems a bunch of scientist examined the bites of sharks when it comes to bite pressure and damage to human flesh.
One scientist was a guy who had his calf muscle ripped off by a four hundred pound bull shark, the whole thing was captured on video tape and they played the uncensored version at the end of the show. Pretty gruesome to say the least. It showed the shark from underwater biting him in the calf. Then it showed the after effect when they were taking him out of the water with a larger chunk of his flesh missing and blood and sinew and muscle hanging from the gaping wound. By the way did I mention he was standing in waist deep water with a school of bull sharks swimming around while he talked to another man. Hmmm seems to me that would raise you chances of an attack, but being a normal human as opposed to being a scientist what do I know right? Enough not too try that particular stunt in the first place.
Well it was cool how they made mock up mechanical sharks with metal teeth to test the different PSI pressure bites and how they relate to bites in human flesh. Three models were used a bull shark, a great white and a tiger shark. The great white has the hardest bite coming in to close to a ton of pressure when biting but the big surprise to me was the tiger shark. I did know they grew almost the same size as great whites but they have a different set of teeth which I was not aware of. Their teeth are sharp to better puncture with but also serrated as well. So they do an incredible amount of damage, borders on the verge of horrendous to be sure. These bites they tested with the shark moving toward the target at 25 MPH for example and the end result is I am glad I never got attacked because it was ghastly the amount of damage they all done to a side of lamb they had rigged up. Using weights they reproduced the amount of drag that would occur with a shark attack and moving when biting under water and it makes me think the people who survive should consider them selves very lucky to be alive to say the least.
They did show a video as well of a young woman who was attacked buy a great white shark. The shark bit he twice and she ended up losing her leg. What a shame, I may be wrong but I do believe it happened off Easter Island. I would never go back in the water ever again if I was attacked by a shark.
I grew up near the ocean all my life and my father was a fisherman once upon a time as most people from small out ports in Newfoundland were. So I used to go out fishing with him and I know to a certain extent what is in the ocean and I would never swim in there. People thing because the water is cold in the Atlantic Provinces that there are no sharks around here and guess what? You could never be more wrong. Since this is getting to be a bit long I must run along I guess since I bended your ear enough for now, talk to you all later.
There were three guys talking in the pub. Two of them are
talking about the amount of control they have over their
wives, while the third remains quiet.
After a while one of the first two turns to the third and
says, "Well, what about you, what sort of control do you
have over your wife?"
The third fellow says, "I'll tell you. Just the other night
my wife came to me on her hands and knees."
The first two guys were amazed. "Wow! What happened then?"
they asked.
The third man took a healthy swallow of his beer, sighed
and uttered, "She said, 'Get out from under the bed and
fight like a man.”