Wednesday, June 18, 2003


That is what is when come right down and think about don’t you think? I wake up at 8:00 in the morning every day I have to work so I will have some semblance of alertness before I get too work. I come to work jacked up juiced up on a devil’s brew of caffeine and nicotine before I start. So I get there early some time around 10:30 or so I can turn on my computer and load up all the programs so they will be ready for when I start. Then I stride off to the local Tim Horton’s so I can a drink from the nectar of the gods before I get on the phone. I walk back to work go downstairs and have a smoke then trudge upstairs to my cell *cough* I mean cubicle for the next eight hours of my life.

Eventual mentally drain and a bit disorientated I get a ride home around 8:30 pm. I try to unwind after I have supper. My wife who is up at o dark thirty which equal 6:30pm is exhausted and who can blame her. We have a shower together then she falls asleep while I watch TV or whatever I feel like doing, and who can blame her I would be tired if I got up at the ungodly hour also. I have insomnia lately and cannot sleep so around 1:00 or so at night I might go too bed where I twist and turn all night like a ungainly sea creature put on land and told to survive as best as I can. Then my body gives up and goes diving into the depths of sleep. The clock goes off at 8:00 and the whole performance is repeated.

Makes me wonder what the point of working is for anyway who the fuck can get to enjoy much out of life when you are too busy or too tired to do anything? Work is highly over rated I think. The only fun I have is on the weekend when I have my two days off and I slum it on Sundays with my wife which is worth may more than any money I can make. Some times I feel there has to be a better way; maybe I will get lucky and win the lottery. Talk to ya later.

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