Wednesday, June 04, 2003

Ah! behold stone henge what a beautiful site isn’t it? Ever wonder what possessed these people to build it? Just imagine if you would, these blocks of stone are massive and heavy. What Herculean task it must have been to move them out into the middle of a field and stand them up on their end. Then think about some of the disgruntled people at that time “WHAT WE HAVE TO MORE?” well hey I would say that after moving just one stone also. Pretty interesting that when it was finished it turned out to a calendar of sorts but I wonder is that what they were really aiming for?
How do we know it was some guy bored to and decided you know what would look good in those fields? A big circle of stones bigger the better. Maybe he could have had a good sense of humour in knows the people after him will not have a clue for the reason him came up with the idea? That could be a possibility also could it not? Another thing that makes me wonder about is HOW they got the stones there in the first place, visions of hundreds of people pulling them with ropes and maybe wooden rollers dance in my head. You know that place was not built over night, how long did it take to finish it I wonder? What ideas drove them on to finish it? Must have been a pretty strong belief or either that the ancient druids held incredible sway over their followers, either or they were scared to death of them. That could be something to think about. For years the Catholic Church had way too much power and influence over people like a religious juggernaut. So maybe the ancient druids had the same power? Well we will never no unfortunately, it is a shame really that we will never know the answers to our question don’t you think?

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