Thursday, June 26, 2003

Guess what I am sick of tired of channel surfing and seeing nothing but reality shows? Are the TV networks that desperate to get viewers that the must assault the airways with drivel? Such gems as Cupid, The Bachelor, American Idol, The amazing Race, the list keeps growing. Enough already! A lot of us just turn the channel and watch something else. I know I do, thank god for the discovery channel. I have an idea for a good “reality” show it would be “HOW LONG DO YOU THINK YOU CAN POSSIBLY SURVIVE!” this show would involve a bunch of these Nancy little pretty boys getting dropped off in the exercise yard of a hardcore prison yard like San Quentin. Would it not bee interest to see how these little pseudo macho boys pretending to men would cope with the harsh reality of being locked down with real men? Albeit some of these people are sexed starved violent criminals would make it just a little more entertaining. Just a thought but I would with out a doubt watch this show, heartily cheering on the inmates. Anyway just a though, talk to you later.

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