Wednesday, April 09, 2003

what is worng with people?

why do people call us and want us too fix their email, get them online or fix the fact they cannot view web pages when...........

they call from a car on a cell phone while driving home

call from at work no where near their computer

cannot work at the computer and must yell the wrong information to a person upstairs

think they cannot turn on the computer because they only have one phone line

cannot turn on the computer in the first place

when you ask to click on the start button they ask what is that?

the computer freezes so you ask them to push and hold the power button for 10 seconds to turn it off, they end up turning off the monitor instead

cannot hold down thee buttons on the keyboard, ex ctrl, alt and delete keys( this mistifies people like it is rocket science)

cannot follow instructions like right click on my computer and they end up left clicking on it instead

do not know the version of windows they have you would think they can read the splash screen that says loading windows......xp,98,me,2000,95 etc.

think that call waiting equals another phone line and try to dial out when you are giving instructions

do not know their own phone number or the area code

won't shut the fuck up and let me speak, sighing into the phone does not even make me want to help you period, cutting me off when i try to say something to help you

tell me every tech is telling me to do something different.... well.....well.... you want us to tell you to you tyo keep doing the same thing that does not work you stupid fucking dick head! think about it for a second. shake your head hear anything? no? shit sticks.

this is a conversation i had with a customer:

me: are you having trouble with email browsing or getting connected?

customer: i don't know

me: can you you get connected?

customer: i don't know

me: can you get email?

customer: i don't know

these are the type of people we have to deal with, i won't bother you with the rest of the conversation but it goes down hill from there, sometimes i wonder if our customers can walk and chew bubble gum at the same time. It make me think they cannot walk and breathe sometimes also.

of course they are all dial-up would think dsl customers are even more well educated but oh know my friend told me horror stories.if you need a license to draive a car you should have one to buy a computer or at the very least a test. but oh know you do not have to, maybe some poeple should give instructional classses before you can buy a computer.

stop buying computers from a relative that rips you of because you buy a piece of shit computer for $100 with windows 95 on it. however this one guy called me because he found a windows 95 machine in a dumpster that someone threw away. so this thrifty individual took it home and tried to get on-line with it. it did not have internet exploer or netscape on it so i told him he needed a cd with a copy on it. there is no cd rom in the computer he told me so can i get it on floppy disks? get rady buddy and pry open the walet and buy a decent machine and stop dumpster diving.

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