Saturday, April 26, 2003

Well today is Saturday my last day for the week, I hope it is not bust today. Too much to hope for I guess. Anyway I am going to add a joke to my posting to day for a little change of pace. Also, I was thinking last night, if you do not know which version of windows you have do this...... click on start, choose run...when the run menu opens ....delete anything that is already there and type okay and a little box will pop up and tell you which version of windows you have. Tada! Magic! If your computer locks up and ctrl + alt + delete does not work, push and hold the power button on the front of your computer for 10 seconds. At that time the computer will shut off automatically. Easy step but most people do not know it. Turning off your monitor will not help, and, don't laugh because customers turn off the monitor instead of the computer all the time.

Well I figured out how to put pictures on the site which is a bonus. Still did not figure out the how to put on a comments section yet, but I am still trying. Soon I will figure it out, I hope. Work in progress. I do not have anything to bitch about in regards to work because I just started my shift. I have taken 2 calls so far , uneventful. stay tuned I will probably get a nasty one later. Also, my wife figured I hate my job when she read my page yesterday. I found that amusing to say the least. I do not hate my job....well.....somedays I do, but don't we all? I do like helping people. Especially those who want help and are....

1. Trying to learn

2. Willing to listen to instructions

3.Stop asking a million questions before i finish a sentence

4.Not argue

I like talking to senior citizens because they usually have taken some classes on how to USE a computer which is a good idea. They listen patiently and follow instruction to a T, which is a breath of fresh air in this job. Kids and young people who are exposed to computers every day are about five steps ahead of you and think they know it all (dream on). They know a lot, but not all. If they did, they would not need to call us, would they?

Most people it seems, are scared of their computers. Why is that I wonder? You can cause you computer to stop working, but it takes a lot to break it. I guess I if find it strange because I grew up around them. I am 30 years old, so I started with a blistering fast.....VIC-20 OOOHHHHH! really old machine. Anybody remember the old data cassette attachments? If you tried to load a game for example you had to type in the command and......wait.........and wait........ for a long fucking time for sure. You had time to go get a snack or watch a movie before the game was loaded. Cutting edge technology at the time. Makes you laugh when you think about it.

So here is my joke for today..........

There was a cucumber, a pickle, and a penis sitting around talking about how their lives sucked.

The cucumber "Man, my life sucks. When I get big, fat, and juicy, they cut me up and stick me on a salad."

The pickle looks at him and says, "You think you have it bad? When I get big, fat, and juicy, they stick me in vinegar, put spices on me, and stick me in a jar."

The penis looks at him and says, "You think you have it rough? When I get big, fat, and juicy, they stick a rubber tarp on my head, stick me in a dark room, and bang my head against the wall until I throw up and pass out!."

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