Now I am from THE ROCK which equals NEWFOUNDLAND and while everyone considers us the dumbest people in CANADA at least the stores are open on Sundays so when you think about it who is the backwards people huh? I live in Nova Scotia right now and the stores are closed on Sundays hmmmmm. Now another thing I don't understand about the rest of Canada, in Nfld you can stroll down to the local corner store and pick up a case of beer. Every store has a walk in cooler or at the very least a deep freeze with beer in it. The liquor store is just for that liquor. Mind you they have beer too but that is besides the point. You can even buy beer on Sundays in Nfld. Which may explain a couple of things about newfies as we call ourselves. This could explain why we are always in a good mood, called the most friendly people in Canada, and have a good sense of humor. Why in the rest of Canada do you need to go to the beer store to get beer? The US even has beer in local stores so why is Canada trying to be different? Who the fuck knows? But it is something I ponder over sometimes.
Further down on the page are some links I put on there. If you notice the page color changing every so often it is because I am changing it around to see which color suits it and what color I want.
Hats off to my boss Steve who's page is listed as a link on my page, actually it is the first link on my list. I read his page way back in October. Now i was looking around and clicked on a link and viola! a place to make your own page and so I did. it is very boring between calls at work, there is only so much internet you can surf at work so that is why i made a page. It gives me something to do and vents the frustration from my job.
Here is a tip for some people also......... every 2 months or so you should do this....go to your contorl panel and double click on the internet options icon....... when the internet properties box shows up click on delete cookies....then delete files......then clear history........this clears out the internet cache so you will not have problems viewing web pages and getting on-line in the first place.
Here is a joke for today.................
The doctor replies, "Well, to get rid of my headaches I just have sex with my wife." They both laugh.
A week later the patient returns. The doctor asks, "How are you feeling?"
The patient smiles and replies" You were right! I feel so much better. And, by the way, Doc, you have a lovely home."
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