Friday, April 25, 2003

before i went to lunch a woman called me. she could not get connected but that is besides the point. all she done is complain and i mean bitch bitch bitch. now she has a contract with the company for internet access. anytime you click i accecpt you should really read what you are accepting. after much cursing and swearing at me i fixed her problem so she could go back on line. did i get a thanks no! she went off on me and told me if we cannot give her service she was going to call the federal trade comission to get them to break the contract for her. have another cup of crazy will ya cuz we are all full here. you have a CONTRACT get over it. don't sign up for something you can't read.

on a personal rant here non work related i would really like the meet the unit who thought up the idea for pop up windows and advertising ads that nail us whenever we surf the net. i would like to have a long converastion with this person. much screaming and cursing and possibly some violence would occur, sigh one could only dream

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