Saturday, July 05, 2003

Well finally I found the picture I was looking for again. The picture of the demon embracing the woman, why do I liker this picture I have no idea but it is my favourite picture of them all. To me it is the perfect balance between good and evil maybe, or is it because behind every woman I seem to think there is something evil lurking in the background? Hmmm may have something there maybe. Women have the power to ensnare us like the sirens of Greek mythology leading us to our doom. Just the way they look, the way they smell the way they feel is enough to drive a man insane. Then there are the mind games that some women play, "some" guys out there will nod sagely at those words and know exactly what I am talking about. Now ladies I am not painting all of you with the same brush not in the least but you know the type of women I am talking about so don't get on the I hate shrapnelz kick just yet. Some men are just as guilty why do we play these games I wonder? Who knows really? Just a part of society I guess, not a good part but still a part all the same what a shame really. By the way I think it is still a cool picture, it has good symmetry of good and evil. It really reminds me of the way you feel just before you fall asleep; you are not quite awake and not quite asleep. Too rip off Dean Koontz almost like a Servant Of Twilight, neither good nor evil. Interesting I think but that is my humble opinion.

On another side note I have something else to talk about. Now at work I get to interact with all kinds of different individuals. some of them are my own age and some are a bit younger, all I have to say is thank the gods in the heavens I am happily married! Just listening to the people at work talk about their "dating" experiences makes me have a whole new appreciation for my wife who I love with all my heart. If I was some how thrust into the dating game according to the rules they have now-a-days I would have to say some one would have to die. So the stories abound at work and I have to shake my head after I put myself in their positions and say why? Why are you putting up with the endless mind fuck? Who knows maybe it is part of being young? I guess I have been there done that and have multiple t-shirts and scars to prove it. Thankfully I am out of the game. Now I do find it amusing to hear these stories because I don't have to deal with it. My wife never has to worry about me cheating on her, why? Because I love her that is why. If I did not she would not be my wife and I definitely would trade her in for a younger model. Not a chance in hell, all you guys out there all I have to say is get an older woman it is indeed more fun no mind games just straight shooting and it is indeed all good. As for my wife I love you baby. This hole in my heart can only be filled by you, should have known from the start I fall short with the things I do nut I keep trying to be a better person because of you. Anyway got to go talk to you all later dear reader.

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