Ever notice all the labels we see in a run of a day? Seems that our visions swims in a sea of name brands every where we look. You all know what I mean, just think of what you see just going around your house for example.
Here is some……Sanyo, sony,apex,procter-silex,black and decker,Compaq , McDonalds, etc the list could be a couple of pages long if I had wanted it to be. So we see name brands all over the place in every day life and then when we turn on the TV to relax the commercial bombardment begins. Then as we watch a show we may actually like in the breaks the commercials race in to fill up the void trying to pawn off cheap pieces of shit on the unsuspecting public. We are the mindless minions that bow to the will of the marketing gods I guess. I think in a way TV shows are just a way to fill up the space and give people a break between the commercials so we do not go into sensory overload. In a sense I think most of us are brain washed into thinking we actually crave these products that flash up on the screen. Just imagine if you would that hair removal system that some reject came up with, who in their right mind would buy a product called NADS? The name sure does not make me think of removing hair, and the picture in my mind of removing hair from that particular piece of anatomy makes me turn white in pain and fear.
Since the marketing gods are putting the name or their respective company in our homes and on our clothes don’t you think maybe they should be paying US money as rent? I mean if you walk around with a shirt with say NIKE on it are we not a walking billboard for them? I think we should get a small salary out of it in the every least, or even a free fucking t-shirt. Probably only costs the company $2 to make it anyway so why not? One word here ladies and gentlemen MONEY! Oh well what do we do right? Any of these ideas ever occur to anyone else? Got to go and get ready to go to work I guess talk to you later.
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