I viewed this phrase on a bag of chips and I think it pretty much sums up life when I think about it don’t you think? I mean we work pretty much all of our lives to acquire the creature comforts that we want in our lives. Then we watch movies with actors who have it all in real life and then usually end up with a beautiful woman or what ever have you. Also the fact these people make more money for a movie that any of us will ever see in a life time, unless we get extremely lucky and win the lottery, better chance of getting colon cancer I think. While we have fuck all except ever mounting bills, we never get to grab the brass ring now do we? Not even maybe, seems the rich get richer and the poor or middle income people just foot the bills because rich people get away with not paying taxes. So what I would like to know is who is winning? Does not seem to be a whole lot of people are. The select few are winning and making sure their buddies are and we get the door slammed in our faces. So what are we to do I wonder? Just grin and bear it as we usually do? I suspect so, anyway go to go talk to you later. Simulated flavour don’t forget.
Monday, July 28, 2003
I viewed this phrase on a bag of chips and I think it pretty much sums up life when I think about it don’t you think? I mean we work pretty much all of our lives to acquire the creature comforts that we want in our lives. Then we watch movies with actors who have it all in real life and then usually end up with a beautiful woman or what ever have you. Also the fact these people make more money for a movie that any of us will ever see in a life time, unless we get extremely lucky and win the lottery, better chance of getting colon cancer I think. While we have fuck all except ever mounting bills, we never get to grab the brass ring now do we? Not even maybe, seems the rich get richer and the poor or middle income people just foot the bills because rich people get away with not paying taxes. So what I would like to know is who is winning? Does not seem to be a whole lot of people are. The select few are winning and making sure their buddies are and we get the door slammed in our faces. So what are we to do I wonder? Just grin and bear it as we usually do? I suspect so, anyway go to go talk to you later. Simulated flavour don’t forget.
Friday, July 25, 2003
Well, well, well, how curious was that? I was lying on the couch reading a book when I heard a pretty loud pop from the other side of our apartment. Dismissing it as you would do with any other weird noise you would hear. My wife asked our son what was that and he replied I don’t know. Then the pop was heard again so I had to make like Sherlock Holmes and find what the hell was popping in his room. So as I walked in the hall I watched my wife and son exiting the room. Something over by the computer she said. Aha! I looked behind the tower and there it was, a thin spiral of blue arid smelling smoke curling up. Seem the power supply on the computer decided to commit suicide; no harm really the computer was my father’s which I received after he passed away during the winter. The system is at least five years old; funny how it blew out when there was no power coming to the computer at all. The power bar was not plugged in at all, what would have happened if the computer was on when it went I wonder? Now that would have been something to behold I think. Would the computer have pulled a Chernobyl and melted down or would it have just shut down or just started beeping? Alas I guess I will never know. Must go and read some more before I go to bed I guess, talk to you later.

Thursday, July 24, 2003

The sun is my enemy the last couple of days. In my apartment is like a sauna the last couple of nights making it extremely hard to sleep almost feel like i am running on empty the last couple of days. When have a couple of fans running at top speed all night long but it is just blowing around the hot air. What is up with the heat lately? Is becoming very hot and humid last couple of weeks, more so than usual. Maybe it is a product of global warming, which makes sense to me. You would think that since we are so close to the Atlantic Ocean we would find it a little cooler but that does not seem to be the case. NFLD is not as hot as this hell I am living in. Thank god for Budweiser is all I have to say. Got too go talk to you later.
Tuesday, July 22, 2003
Not much to write about really, but one little pet peeve I have. Noisy eaters. Ever have one of those people around you in a life time that smacks their lips every time they chew? Drives me right up the wall, nothing worse in my book. People like that makes my rage curl into a tight little ball in my stomach waiting to explode. I was stuck in an elevator with one such of a person and that human being had a mouthful of gum for example I know what the outcome would be. I would be the only one walking away from the event with the rescuers came to save us. I would just snap in a situation like that, closed spaces? Who cares, noisy eater? Or chewer in the case of gum for example? Violence would ensue. They rank up with those losers in high school would announce every time he or she was after completing an exam with a loud “finished!” like we wanted to share in that joyful bit of news. Well excuse me I am so glad you are finished your test, I am so happy I could just shit!
Had some house guests this weekend, YAH! (not) I am not ant-social but in a 2 bedroom apartment 4 extra people are a hindrance on the regular mojo that we have. It is all well and good for the grand total of maybe 2 hours then it is just annoying. Now that is not every one for example some people can rub you the wrong way. Maybe as I get older I am becoming a cynical old man? Hmmm yes indeed. Only three people in this world I can actually count on when the chips are down. My wife, my son and my best friend. I do not count myself in this list, sure I can count on myself sometimes but like everyone else my common self decides to stroll to the top of the hill to see what is on the other side every now and then, then goes and has a picnic or something. Anyway bended your ear long enough talk to your later.
Had some house guests this weekend, YAH! (not) I am not ant-social but in a 2 bedroom apartment 4 extra people are a hindrance on the regular mojo that we have. It is all well and good for the grand total of maybe 2 hours then it is just annoying. Now that is not every one for example some people can rub you the wrong way. Maybe as I get older I am becoming a cynical old man? Hmmm yes indeed. Only three people in this world I can actually count on when the chips are down. My wife, my son and my best friend. I do not count myself in this list, sure I can count on myself sometimes but like everyone else my common self decides to stroll to the top of the hill to see what is on the other side every now and then, then goes and has a picnic or something. Anyway bended your ear long enough talk to your later.
Friday, July 18, 2003
I sit there dead tired, as tired as I have ever been, ever been that tired that you began to wonder if you were really alive and maybe you are dead and you are dreaming? Or are you dead and you reside now in hell? So there I hunched tired my eyes feeling like sand paper every time I blinked, the smell of the earth embraced me as I gazed at the world from the edge of the earth. I was sitting in a trench staring at the world through the scope of my rifle. This is the last day of my living hell, the ninth day with 2 hours sleep in total on an ISCC course which is a leadership course in the military. I am tired and mean, I would blow your brains out piss on your dead body, light a cigarette and walk away as nothing had happened. The sun breaks the sky painting the sky in a light pink pastel colour. I have seen a good many sunrises in my day in the forces and they are all so beautiful each one makes you smile inside and be glad you are alive. The fact that I am bone tired does not numb me to that feeling. In the distance a bird makes a hesitant shrill call that echoes in the morning stillness. I chance a quick glance around and I see other figures hunched over in their trenches in various stages of alertness. We all look like zombies and in fact I would imagine we smelled like them also. Nine days of filth cake us as we did not have time to wash up except the dreaded morning shave in cold water using your helmet as a wash basin. Camouflage paint is in grained into our skin at this point as well as fly repellent is our after shave. The fly repellent we used was showing up as a blister agent when a drop was put on paper used to test for chemical warfare agents (we did happily smear that shit all over our bodies let me tell you) the stuff was so strong it would corrode the plastic on a compass.
Anyway after one bird had thrilled in the silence of the morning it erupted in a cresting swell of noise as all birds joined in. then the sergeants descended on us like obscene vultures of agony. They started harassing us in the early morning trying to make us go beyond the point of stress into the point of no return. After 9 days of walking hell some of them accidentally *cough* ahem got a elbow in the face as we had a couple of muscle spasms, well eventually they got the picture and fucked off and left us alone so we could enjoy the spreading blanket of warmth the sun bought us. Huddling in a trench all night is not fun because it was fucking freezing when it rained a couple of hours ago. We were all brother because we shared the same misery for the last eight weeks coming to an end after a nine day final exercise. We were all brothers wrought by the same faith in fact you could say we became The Brotherhood Of War. Do not know why these images popped in my head but they did just thought I would share them with you, talk to you later.
Who are we?……IFANTRY!….what do we do?.......KILL!……..How far?........ALL THE WAY!…….hoohah……HOOHA!.......holy fuck corporal (insert my last name here) I just got a fucking woody you guys are fucking motivated now I think we will force march all the way back to base with full battle gear…………..let the brain washing and swearing begin after we heard that one, and no shit we actually had to do this too.
one more note, In the morning times they would come and inspect our rooms. If they did not find something wrong they would get inventive. Case in point dust bunnies, the would magically grow in our room overnight to give the staff something to yell at us about. So being the type of person I am i went to the store on one of our rare Saturdays off and bought a cute little stuffed pink rabbit. The next day when the came to mu room for inspection the rabbit was in place dangling from a hanger in my closet.
"Holy fuck what is that corporal!"
"That is the dust bunny sergeant!"
"I snared the evil little bastard sergeant!"
Now the man was not without a good sense of humour and he DID laugh and showed his appreciation for my joke by making me do push up until my arms felt like they were going to fall off. He did take the rabbit with him and put it in his room. I know so because after the course was over he showed me, also he got me very drunk at the party we had after. Seems he like my sense of humour. talk to you later.
Anyway after one bird had thrilled in the silence of the morning it erupted in a cresting swell of noise as all birds joined in. then the sergeants descended on us like obscene vultures of agony. They started harassing us in the early morning trying to make us go beyond the point of stress into the point of no return. After 9 days of walking hell some of them accidentally *cough* ahem got a elbow in the face as we had a couple of muscle spasms, well eventually they got the picture and fucked off and left us alone so we could enjoy the spreading blanket of warmth the sun bought us. Huddling in a trench all night is not fun because it was fucking freezing when it rained a couple of hours ago. We were all brother because we shared the same misery for the last eight weeks coming to an end after a nine day final exercise. We were all brothers wrought by the same faith in fact you could say we became The Brotherhood Of War. Do not know why these images popped in my head but they did just thought I would share them with you, talk to you later.
Who are we?……IFANTRY!….what do we do?.......KILL!……..How far?........ALL THE WAY!…….hoohah……HOOHA!.......holy fuck corporal (insert my last name here) I just got a fucking woody you guys are fucking motivated now I think we will force march all the way back to base with full battle gear…………..let the brain washing and swearing begin after we heard that one, and no shit we actually had to do this too.
one more note, In the morning times they would come and inspect our rooms. If they did not find something wrong they would get inventive. Case in point dust bunnies, the would magically grow in our room overnight to give the staff something to yell at us about. So being the type of person I am i went to the store on one of our rare Saturdays off and bought a cute little stuffed pink rabbit. The next day when the came to mu room for inspection the rabbit was in place dangling from a hanger in my closet.
"Holy fuck what is that corporal!"
"That is the dust bunny sergeant!"
"I snared the evil little bastard sergeant!"
Now the man was not without a good sense of humour and he DID laugh and showed his appreciation for my joke by making me do push up until my arms felt like they were going to fall off. He did take the rabbit with him and put it in his room. I know so because after the course was over he showed me, also he got me very drunk at the party we had after. Seems he like my sense of humour. talk to you later.
I have been doing my job for 1 year on the 22nd of this month, every time I apply for a day off it gets denied. What an extreme piss off, people around here are always getting days off. I have gotten maybe 4 days off in toal this year 2 of which was because I got married. I really need a vaction, this place is getting to me. I have never missed a day since I have been here and I left early twice and this is what i get for it denied! Fuck! Maybe I should start calling in sick like everyone else does of get the 2 month leave of absence for the summer like alot of people do to get the summer off. *sigh*
Thursday, July 17, 2003
Wednesday, July 16, 2003
Well another work day has come and gone 2 more days too go until the weekend. Last week or so the callers have been incredibly dense. Hard on the old cranial cavity when they are like that very hard indeed. My friend mentioned that a 1-800 numbers make the callers complacent. Well not that I think about it the more I must agree to a point, if the callers had to pay for the phone call to us they would be a lot more smarter on the uptake and heed our advice and instructions instead of having a Teflon brain where nothing sticks they would actually retain some knowledge *gasp!*. Why is this not going to happen? If they had to pay for a phone call to us the customers would sulk (I am all behind this idea not like I give a shit if they whine, I have the angry customer hotline on the go the last little while anyway) and the second reason is because it might make our job more easier and we can't have that now can we? If they did have to call in time would not be wasted on anal retentive shit like we have to do now all because the customers are too lazy to read the help menu. (I am also convinced the bulk cannot read anyway) Then maybe we would not have to listen to the verbal diarrhea coming out of their mouths while trying to get in a word edge wise. Alas we can on dream and wish in one hand and shit in the other. Anyway must go and relax for awhile take it easy and talk to you later.
Wednesday, July 09, 2003
Well last night I watched the new Big Brother 4, I was waiting for this show to come on because it amuses me to no end. Also the fact that it comes on in the summer time is a good idea since nothing else is really on besides re-runs and "LOOK AT ME I AM A BIG HO” or the other shows like " I AM A LOSER WHO CANNOT GET A DATE IN REAL LIFE SO I AHVE TO GO ON TV TO TRY AND FIND ONE". So since Big Brother comes on in the summer time I like to watch it, they put a good spin on the show this year. Eight people went into the house first as usual but where were the other eight? The next eight people were all ex boyfriends and girlfriends of the people inside. Aha! Brilliant idea! Imagine you are in a house for the summer wanting to win a half million dollars and in strolls your ex. I really thing they must do some good screening because I would fancy putting the hurt on a couple of my ex's but that is just me I guess but I do not think I am an exception to the rule, not at all. So that should make for a good season of Big Brother with the tension level so thick you could slice it with a knife. Anyway must go and get ready to go too work talk to you later.
Tuesday, July 08, 2003
Well another weekend has come and gone, way to fast as it were. I had a pretty good weekend I guess not too much to complain about at all. What did I do this weekend? Not a whole lot. I managed to *ahem* acquire some music I found on the internet and I also happened to stumble across my favourite movie of all time Conan the Barbarian.
I did get to watch Gangs of New York though. I found this movie highly entertaining movies of that style I find draw you in a bit. It was long which is another bonus that I admire in some movies because it immerses you into the story more and the fact the whole movies can be summed up in the last 15 minutes like every other movie. This I can say it is definitely not a family movie that is for sure. Lots of blood and guts in this one, funny how we like watching violence in movies is it not? A lot of us would not want to see it in real life but we pay to see a movie with violence in it. I would expect a large portion of the public would be seen cheering and jeering in the Roman arenas if we happened to be transported back in time. I know I would be egging on the gladiators and the embraced in mortal combat, but hey when in Rome............... anyway got to go and *sigh* get ready to go to work talk to you later.
I did get to watch Gangs of New York though. I found this movie highly entertaining movies of that style I find draw you in a bit. It was long which is another bonus that I admire in some movies because it immerses you into the story more and the fact the whole movies can be summed up in the last 15 minutes like every other movie. This I can say it is definitely not a family movie that is for sure. Lots of blood and guts in this one, funny how we like watching violence in movies is it not? A lot of us would not want to see it in real life but we pay to see a movie with violence in it. I would expect a large portion of the public would be seen cheering and jeering in the Roman arenas if we happened to be transported back in time. I know I would be egging on the gladiators and the embraced in mortal combat, but hey when in Rome............... anyway got to go and *sigh* get ready to go to work talk to you later.
Saturday, July 05, 2003
Well finally I found the picture I was looking for again. The picture of the demon embracing the woman, why do I liker this picture I have no idea but it is my favourite picture of them all. To me it is the perfect balance between good and evil maybe, or is it because behind every woman I seem to think there is something evil lurking in the background? Hmmm may have something there maybe. Women have the power to ensnare us like the sirens of Greek mythology leading us to our doom. Just the way they look, the way they smell the way they feel is enough to drive a man insane. Then there are the mind games that some women play, "some" guys out there will nod sagely at those words and know exactly what I am talking about. Now ladies I am not painting all of you with the same brush not in the least but you know the type of women I am talking about so don't get on the I hate shrapnelz kick just yet. Some men are just as guilty why do we play these games I wonder? Who knows really? Just a part of society I guess, not a good part but still a part all the same what a shame really. By the way I think it is still a cool picture, it has good symmetry of good and evil. It really reminds me of the way you feel just before you fall asleep; you are not quite awake and not quite asleep. Too rip off Dean Koontz almost like a Servant Of Twilight, neither good nor evil. Interesting I think but that is my humble opinion.
On another side note I have something else to talk about. Now at work I get to interact with all kinds of different individuals. some of them are my own age and some are a bit younger, all I have to say is thank the gods in the heavens I am happily married! Just listening to the people at work talk about their "dating" experiences makes me have a whole new appreciation for my wife who I love with all my heart. If I was some how thrust into the dating game according to the rules they have now-a-days I would have to say some one would have to die. So the stories abound at work and I have to shake my head after I put myself in their positions and say why? Why are you putting up with the endless mind fuck? Who knows maybe it is part of being young? I guess I have been there done that and have multiple t-shirts and scars to prove it. Thankfully I am out of the game. Now I do find it amusing to hear these stories because I don't have to deal with it. My wife never has to worry about me cheating on her, why? Because I love her that is why. If I did not she would not be my wife and I definitely would trade her in for a younger model. Not a chance in hell, all you guys out there all I have to say is get an older woman it is indeed more fun no mind games just straight shooting and it is indeed all good. As for my wife I love you baby. This hole in my heart can only be filled by you, should have known from the start I fall short with the things I do nut I keep trying to be a better person because of you. Anyway got to go talk to you all later dear reader.
On another side note I have something else to talk about. Now at work I get to interact with all kinds of different individuals. some of them are my own age and some are a bit younger, all I have to say is thank the gods in the heavens I am happily married! Just listening to the people at work talk about their "dating" experiences makes me have a whole new appreciation for my wife who I love with all my heart. If I was some how thrust into the dating game according to the rules they have now-a-days I would have to say some one would have to die. So the stories abound at work and I have to shake my head after I put myself in their positions and say why? Why are you putting up with the endless mind fuck? Who knows maybe it is part of being young? I guess I have been there done that and have multiple t-shirts and scars to prove it. Thankfully I am out of the game. Now I do find it amusing to hear these stories because I don't have to deal with it. My wife never has to worry about me cheating on her, why? Because I love her that is why. If I did not she would not be my wife and I definitely would trade her in for a younger model. Not a chance in hell, all you guys out there all I have to say is get an older woman it is indeed more fun no mind games just straight shooting and it is indeed all good. As for my wife I love you baby. This hole in my heart can only be filled by you, should have known from the start I fall short with the things I do nut I keep trying to be a better person because of you. Anyway got to go talk to you all later dear reader.
Friday, July 04, 2003
Ever notice all the labels we see in a run of a day? Seems that our visions swims in a sea of name brands every where we look. You all know what I mean, just think of what you see just going around your house for example.
Here is some……Sanyo, sony,apex,procter-silex,black and decker,Compaq , McDonalds, etc the list could be a couple of pages long if I had wanted it to be. So we see name brands all over the place in every day life and then when we turn on the TV to relax the commercial bombardment begins. Then as we watch a show we may actually like in the breaks the commercials race in to fill up the void trying to pawn off cheap pieces of shit on the unsuspecting public. We are the mindless minions that bow to the will of the marketing gods I guess. I think in a way TV shows are just a way to fill up the space and give people a break between the commercials so we do not go into sensory overload. In a sense I think most of us are brain washed into thinking we actually crave these products that flash up on the screen. Just imagine if you would that hair removal system that some reject came up with, who in their right mind would buy a product called NADS? The name sure does not make me think of removing hair, and the picture in my mind of removing hair from that particular piece of anatomy makes me turn white in pain and fear.
Since the marketing gods are putting the name or their respective company in our homes and on our clothes don’t you think maybe they should be paying US money as rent? I mean if you walk around with a shirt with say NIKE on it are we not a walking billboard for them? I think we should get a small salary out of it in the every least, or even a free fucking t-shirt. Probably only costs the company $2 to make it anyway so why not? One word here ladies and gentlemen MONEY! Oh well what do we do right? Any of these ideas ever occur to anyone else? Got to go and get ready to go to work I guess talk to you later.
Here is some……Sanyo, sony,apex,procter-silex,black and decker,Compaq , McDonalds, etc the list could be a couple of pages long if I had wanted it to be. So we see name brands all over the place in every day life and then when we turn on the TV to relax the commercial bombardment begins. Then as we watch a show we may actually like in the breaks the commercials race in to fill up the void trying to pawn off cheap pieces of shit on the unsuspecting public. We are the mindless minions that bow to the will of the marketing gods I guess. I think in a way TV shows are just a way to fill up the space and give people a break between the commercials so we do not go into sensory overload. In a sense I think most of us are brain washed into thinking we actually crave these products that flash up on the screen. Just imagine if you would that hair removal system that some reject came up with, who in their right mind would buy a product called NADS? The name sure does not make me think of removing hair, and the picture in my mind of removing hair from that particular piece of anatomy makes me turn white in pain and fear.
Since the marketing gods are putting the name or their respective company in our homes and on our clothes don’t you think maybe they should be paying US money as rent? I mean if you walk around with a shirt with say NIKE on it are we not a walking billboard for them? I think we should get a small salary out of it in the every least, or even a free fucking t-shirt. Probably only costs the company $2 to make it anyway so why not? One word here ladies and gentlemen MONEY! Oh well what do we do right? Any of these ideas ever occur to anyone else? Got to go and get ready to go to work I guess talk to you later.
Thursday, July 03, 2003
Ah the Thursday, pay stub day! Now I get too look at the same number week after week, I do not miss any days so my pay is always the same. Not so much so for other people who are constantly calling with the summer time flu. If you don’t want to work quit! I show up day in and day out why should I have to take a shit load of calls because Johnny one brain cell does not want to come to work because it is nice out. Then multiply this number by many other people as well. Pisses me off it does ken ye see where I am going with this? A lot of people hate our job and I do some days but I had bad jobs but this one is not the one at the top of my bad job list. That one is reserved for the meat packing plant that I work at before. That was just hell on the body thanking god I do not have to work there any more. Ever see and abscess explodes when cutting into a piece of beef? Ew personified let me tell you. The smell is enough to make you wretch and god forbid a spray of the evil lands on your lips and or mouth. Urgh! So being inside on the phone is not a bad gig I guess even though the customer are brain dead, guess we cannot have it all now can we?
So if you could be any kind of an animal what kind of an animal would like to be? I would like to be a wolf I think. I have no Idea why I like wolves but I do. There is something majestic about wolves a sort of nobility in their eyes that I like. But that is the way I feel so what kind animal would you like to be if you could.
So if you could be any kind of an animal what kind of an animal would like to be? I would like to be a wolf I think. I have no Idea why I like wolves but I do. There is something majestic about wolves a sort of nobility in their eyes that I like. But that is the way I feel so what kind animal would you like to be if you could.
Wednesday, July 02, 2003
Well one day complete in my quest to scale the heights of the good old work week. Some days it seem scaling the work week is something akin to climbing Mount Everest other days it seems like an ant hill. Most of the time I do not mind the work week, except when the days just drag on like an endless span of time caught in a churning vortex.
Sometimes all the week days seem to blur into one long day as it all gels together. A lot of the times I really have know idea what day of the week I am living until I look at my computer at work so I can find out. How sad is that? A lot of the time I spend on the phone I always feel that I have already had this conversation before, why because I have countless times. Some of the people I talk to on the phone drive me nuts, I think they sit at home and think of anal shit to call up and complain about. Example when I click on the icon to get on the internet it takes 30 seconds for the screen to come on. Well stop the presses sir I will sacrifice a chicken her and fix that for you? Did that work sir? No? I did not believe it would you god dam flat line lamer!
Sheesh, the only relief from this torture is when I get to go off on break. You better believe it takes a lot of will power to get back on the phone and start taking calls after going on lunch. Thank god for the people I have to talk too at work that makes it easier “doing time” at work. Any way speaking of work must go and get ready to go to work I guess, talk to you later.
Sometimes all the week days seem to blur into one long day as it all gels together. A lot of the times I really have know idea what day of the week I am living until I look at my computer at work so I can find out. How sad is that? A lot of the time I spend on the phone I always feel that I have already had this conversation before, why because I have countless times. Some of the people I talk to on the phone drive me nuts, I think they sit at home and think of anal shit to call up and complain about. Example when I click on the icon to get on the internet it takes 30 seconds for the screen to come on. Well stop the presses sir I will sacrifice a chicken her and fix that for you? Did that work sir? No? I did not believe it would you god dam flat line lamer!
Sheesh, the only relief from this torture is when I get to go off on break. You better believe it takes a lot of will power to get back on the phone and start taking calls after going on lunch. Thank god for the people I have to talk too at work that makes it easier “doing time” at work. Any way speaking of work must go and get ready to go to work I guess, talk to you later.
Tuesday, July 01, 2003
What I night last night regular symphony of fire last night don’t you think? Lightning light up my bed room as I lay in bed. Thunder pealed across the night sky as if the gods were mad at each other and hurled stones at each other in rage. I love hearing the thunder rolling across the night sky, nature in action cannot tame the beast called nature oh no indeed. I love the raw power of the thunder and lightning storms it lets us know how small we are compared to the raw power of nature. We maybe able to tame beasts and the land but not Mother Nature which is good because she lets us know where we stand. Anyway today is my first day back too work for this week, hope it is a good week and not too busy.
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