Thursday, August 04, 2005

I am giving serious thoughts to going back to school; in fact I am pretty sure I will be doing just that. Once I figure out what I want to be when I grow up, hard to pick one area when there are so many choices out there. I am sick of working in a call center and I need to get a real job I guess if there are any out there. The grind is killing me slowly one day at a time, the same whiners, suck up and management that could mismanage a lemonade stand. Whatever I pick it is going to have something to do with computers because I have had my fill of manual labor in my life. I am thinking about starting down the road to getting my MCSE and then learning networking and system’s management. Might be interesting I am thinking. Anyway got to go and get ready to head to work to see how much shit I can get my self into today.